Polite & Friendly's



Bonez2k9Thu Aug 12, 2010 12:24 am


    I was just recently perma-banned from server 1. Could not for the life of me figure out why. Logged into ts and asked to speak with bags about the ban. Seen him enough on the server and was nice enough to lend me his time for a few short minutes. He said some of the guys said i was walliing or wallhacking. Ive been playing this game since the first came out many years ago. Was unfortunately unable to play when desert storm/shield started. Make a long story short, I'm a professional sniper by trade. Served 3 years over seas, shot the barrett 50 caliber sniper rifle on many occasions. People for some odd reason don't like me for killing them?  Isn't this what the game is abouit? Am iI not supposed to use m training and experience in a game that I shouldn't be playing anyway because of what I've personally been thru?  If this is the case then i'm sorry. Sorry for playing a game that I am actually pretty good at. I have a 32" monitor so my FOV is actually pretty good. I spent $4500 on this machine to have fun when I am not at work. Iv've respected the rules of the server, never had any issues with any members. Apparently there is a fraps video of this alleged hacking. I die and kill as much as the next guy. Review it, look at it, do whatever you feel is needed. I feel disrespected of these accusations when I suspect the same from a few people that play on that server, however, I do NOT say a word of such. I'm 37 years old with many years experience, and all I ask in return is fairness.

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LukeThu Aug 12, 2010 12:38 am

Please use the contact us button at the top of the website to submit a ticket about this. That is the only way to contact the head admins.

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