Polite & Friendly's


Sorry for walking

CeruLucifusTue Aug 10, 2010 11:08 pm

Hi, i was hit with a 15 minute ban today on your Polite & Friendly 2 server, for Running/Walking.

First, if I that's what I did, it was unintentional and I'm really sorry the admins had to take time out from their game playing to deal with me.  

My side of the story: We had been playing shotguns for several maps.  I have been on your server quite a few times, it's a great server, and I always try to walk / crouch.  I play a lot of servers with different rules and sometimes my fingers forget and as soon as I realize that, I crouch back down and if I get a warning from an admin, I comply immediately and I also try to always reply in chat, even if it gets me killed.   This time, I thought, was no exception.

I was in the middle of 3 guys, got all of them, two by knifing -- this is extraordinary for me if you've ever spectated me, 1 at a time is barely what I can handle usually -- and I realized I was walking.  I'm pretty sure I must have stood up when I did one of the knifings, possibly hitting the Jump key (space bar) at the same time as Melee (V key).  I'm really not sure, I was just like, wow, I faced 3 guys and didn't die, oh look, I'm standing, how'd that happen, let me crouch back down.

At the same time -- it happened so fast I'm guessing one of the guys I killed was an admin -- there was a note to me to stop running and it said Last Warning.  I replied like I always do, and honestly, if there were any earlier warnings, I didn't see them, but I didn't even bother to say that, just said I was sorry and explained I had just faced 3 guys.  

I said it then and I'm mentioning it now because on the server you are allowed to run when you're under fire and when would you be in the middle of 3 enemy and not be under fire?  I'm not saying I look for clusters of enemy so I can run, I'm saying if I pop into the middle of 3 enemy, good gosh, running usually wouldn't get me out of it but if I did your own rules say it's okay.

It's possible the admin mixed me up with someone else and the "Last Warning" was a mistake.

It's possible earlier I stood up and walked without realizing it and an admin posted warnings and I didn't see them.  Not really likely, I often get killed while I'm reading chat messages, but maybe it happened.

Anyway, as I said, sorry for any trouble I caused.  It was NOT on purpose.

Thanks for hosting such a great server.
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PsisahTue Aug 10, 2010 11:23 pm

Hey thanks for playing on the servers and I hope to see you on again!  It was just a temporary 15 minute kick, not permanent.

You should receive one warning and then a Last Warning.  We are very strict when it comes to giving the proper amount of warnings.  We make sure to give everyone a fair shot and the proper amount warnings before kicking.  I spoke with the admin who kicked you and multiple members stated you received more then two warnings.  

As far as the running knife deal it goes like this:   You cannot RUN to knife someone even if they are firing at you.  You can only run from direct fire or nade to nearest cover.

Hope this clears that up and, again, hope to see you on the servers!
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CeruLucifusWed Aug 11, 2010 1:04 am

Thanks for the reply.  

If the admins say I was walking then I must have been.  

Honestly I only saw the one warning so I must have missed the earlier one.  Also I was not aware that I was walking when I was kicked.   Laugh if you like but usually I'm not that clueless.

I dunno.  Maybe I need to turn my headphones up louder?  

I will say -- this is probably something you guys already know all about -- when we spawn we are standing.  It is very easy to move forward from spawn, hear your own footsteps, and crouch to fix it.  Probably I do that a lot.   That is very short very quick though, and sometimes there are even other people spawning around you doing the same thing so you might even be crouched moving forward and hear footsteps that aren't yours.

Just looking for an explanation why an admin would call me on walking when I don't remember doing it.

And really, I'm not trying to split hairs here on the running under fire thing, but what happened with the knife incident was I stumbled onto the lead guy in a pack of 3 or 4.  I didn't know he wan't alone.  We exhange fire, I got the one guy, was empty, moved forward and -- surprise -- stumbled on top of someone else coming out of a door, knifed him -- I think that must have been when I hit space bar by accident because this was happening too fast for me to do it on purpose, I'm slow and also old -- and there was someone a few feet in front of me raising his gun.  He may have even fired, I am not sure but I was sure I was dead, I kept moving forward expecting to be blasted and hit knife as a last resort and -- surprise -- it got him and I wasn't dead and I went a couple more feet and heard my footsteps.   And I crouched immediately.  We are talking 1-2 seconds here, it was that quick.  And no way no how was it a case of intentionally standing up to knife anybody.

As I said, there was an immediate note from an admin not to walk, and I replied immediately -- I got shot while I was typing it -- that I was sorry, that it was an accident from fighting 3 guys, that I had stopped.  

I really don't see how I could have handled it any better.   Ah well.

Anyway, as I said already, I'm sorry the admins had to take time out of their game play to deal with me.  

Take care.
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