hah thank god i got his first! If sinister see's your sig hes going to explode! lol
On this forum they have the default sig size set to 400x120? I think? xD Yea wayyyy oversized ;)
Ntb though looks good
uhh... isn't it a little innapropriate?
See nothing inappropriate (no burning crosses). And WannaB... sry buddy but the 400x120 rule is only for BKs
Immolation wrote:
uhh... isn't it a little innapropriate?
how is it innapropriate?
wah! only for BK?! :O! Well then it looks like you can change it back to w/e size you wanted ;)
Hah hows it inappropriate? At least its got skin
several other sigs people have are just skeletons lol
naked burning lady with skull head? That's what it looked like to me... mainly the naked part being innapropriate.
Oh i didnt see detail.
wow, never thought that was gonna be such a big deal. but its your forums and your rules and i respect that. fixed.
Thank you for your cooperation.