Polite & Friendly's


Pay to PLay

DFMhellboySun Jul 18, 2010 10:59 pm

Oh don't get your panties in a bunch.    You can always hope for change so back off.  I'm not gonna fight with you in the forums hotrod.
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CapZacMon Jul 19, 2010 3:28 am

If anyone is going to get the ball rolling on monthly fees to play online, that would be Activision. They were the first to drive PC games to $59, and knowing a little bit about their CEO, he's drueling at the idea.
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mr-tMon Jul 19, 2010 5:39 pm

well my point is that if i buy a dvd i do not want pay each month or year or what ever it is to watch it and if the dvd is fault i would expect it to be exchanged for a working version like wise for hardware, and that what i extect form a game i buy it be patched for free to fix any error or problems in the game. i do not expect dlc or extra contents with out paying as loing as it is original and reasonably priced. also if it should have been in the game in the first place like for example player class or something.
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WannaBMon Jul 19, 2010 6:03 pm

I agree with Mr. T; Its kinda like saying we breathe air anyways why not pay for it?

Btw Mr.T it is legal to make copies of your gaming discs; ;P just not to distribute them lol
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MisterMaddMon Jul 19, 2010 8:48 pm

People expect one thing but turn a blind eye on the possible baggage that comes with it.  Like the people that wanted universal health care... wait you mean taxes are going to have to pay for this.

As far as I know once a game is put onto the market then the developer doesn't have to do anything to fix the game.  Why should they, their not making money off it.

I am not taking the developers side, I am simply looking at it from outside the box.

Yes I agree with the hope and expectations of never having to pay a monthly service fee.  In the end this just isn't practical with the way our capitalistic economy is built, nothing is free.

Oh and we/companies do pay for the air by way of taxes.  This money goes to the government who then decides how much regulation is needed on areas that directly and indirectly effect the air, water, etc.  Given up some freedoms and money in return to keep our air safe.
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mr-tMon Jul 19, 2010 9:44 pm

wannab have you tried copying a game disc with standard copying software and get it to accept the cd as a legit copy, it its virtually impossible.

as far as legal obligations to providing patches ect. not sure how it works but if you buy a DVD player that doesn't play DVDs then you are entitled to you money back or a replacement like wise if hardware if it goes or is faulty you have a year warranty on it. so there for if the game has bugs or errors that are not mentioned on the cover then does that make the game faulty or not ect. if they are not entitled or are not going to issues patches/fixes then the game should be released with a some what of other programers to be able to fix/patch the game.
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DFMhellboyMon Jul 19, 2010 10:18 pm

Customer support and good customer relations ensures your customer returning to not only buy your future products but tell others to do so as well.  Good customer relations is key to a successful business model.

When they sell a game they make a hefty profit. Servers are not free, we pay for them. If I buy a guitar and make money playing in a band, I should not be expected to give the guitar manufacture a cut (or fee) because I am using it.
You pay for a game and you play it.  Paying for a game then paying every time you play it is not an act of fairness, obligation or civic duty.  It is an example of corporate greed.  Greed that will turn around and bite them in the a** if they try to incorporate it.

To be honest, like Luke, I frankly don't see this happening anyway.
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ImmolationMon Jul 19, 2010 10:41 pm

I could see Activision and Infinity Ward being stupid in the near future with the next cod game and incorporating a pay to play fee. They were stupid with the pc version of MW2, why not with the next cod game that IW makes?
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ThillionTue Jul 20, 2010 6:04 am

Well, if it were to happen, I wouldn't give a dime. I already pay out of pocket for the internet. Then you add the price of a couple of games per year, or more. At 50 or 60 bucks a pop. And that is expensive. I do pay to play Warcraft, but I play for a few months, then end it, then start it again, then end it, and on and on. But that is my choice. I have paid monthly fees for some other types of MMO's, but that was short lived, as the games were not that good.
I really enjoy my FPS games, even though I am not good at them. But I do draw the line in the sand on pay to play a FPS. Only because FPS never seem to last all that long, like Warcraft or EVE Online. And they stop making maps for them to quickly, or stop supporting them. If they would continue to develop their FPS game down the road, new maps, content and all that, then possibly I would pay to play, but not for just a game with a few maps and no real support or development.
Just my two cents, which don't make a hill of beans to anyone..........lol
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MisterMaddTue Jul 20, 2010 10:01 am

No Thillion you make a lot of sense.  These are the challenges that the development companies have to overcome in order to have monthly service fees.

Some situations that would further decrease revenue, besides the overall disapproval from pc gamers:

1) Unlike a xbox where a parent can pick up a a card at the local walmart for his/her kids to play online, most kids don't have a credit card that is easily accessible.

2) Most people would have to choose between buying/playing one of the FPS games on the market, since he/she would have troubles paying for more than one.

3) Gamers would automatically expect new game content to be released throughout the life of the game.  This increases the amount of man hours a company would have to pay for in order to satisfy consumers demand.

Now these situations could also increase revenue in some instances but this pay to play situation is a double edged sword for these companies.  It would be easier to implement this policy if their were a monopoly on the FPS market but this isn't the case.
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WannaBTue Jul 20, 2010 2:19 pm

Most people think that games who later release stuff for there games dont make money off it.... in reality they do; For example when the newest map pack came out they sold an additional 500,000+ games.
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DFMhellboyTue Jul 20, 2010 5:10 pm

WannaB wrote:

Most people think that games who later release stuff for there games dont make money off it.... in reality they do; For example when the newest map pack came out they sold an additional 500,000+ games.

Plus look at the COD franchise, They make a killing every year or two with a new COD title release.  Anyway, we will NOT be paying to play per Activision in this IGN article:  Call of Duty Multiplayer Always Free

Here is a quote from the article:

"Infinity Ward's Robert Bowling said the 'Modern Warfare 2 Membership' menu shown was an error and that there will never be 'pay-to-play' Call of Duty multiplayer.

"To be clear: There is not, and will never be, additional fees required to subscribe and play Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer," he said on his blog. "

Well, thats that.
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WannaBTue Jul 20, 2010 6:08 pm

Well that's MW2 ^_^ It would simply take to much of there time to implements a pay as you go system into the game. As for there next gen games there could still very well be pay as you go charging.
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winemakrTue Jul 20, 2010 6:22 pm

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DFMhellboyTue Jul 20, 2010 7:07 pm

WannaB wrote:

Well that's MW2 ^_^ It would simply take to much of there time to implements a pay as you go system into the game. As for there next gen games there could still very well be pay as you go charging.

For what it's worth he said " there will never be 'pay-to-play' Call of Duty multiplayer "  I gotta be honest here and say I am not worried at all about paying to play any of the games that interest me now or any time soon. It's all gooood. I am ready for the games November brings thats for sure.
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