Polite & Friendly's


Bad admining

SilenceSun Jun 20, 2010 4:01 pm

So I was just kicked twice from the server for defending myself from a nice onslaught of TKs.
I was Tked 15+ times by the same 2 people. lilsimeon and lilnikita, right?
Then I was seen defending myself and an admin, HoD, has the NERVE to warn ME.
I was quite upset by that point and tried to tell him what was going on but he "didnt see it happen" and still insisted on "warning" me.
I knew I was going to be kicked by the end of the argument anyway, so I shot HoD because he was severely making me angry for the way I was being treated.
Then I was kicked a second time shortly after the first for rejoining and calling him on his BS and the second reason happened to be "Cheating."
Thats some great admining there. Get called on you BS and just make some BS up so it looks like you are in the right. Good freakin job, HoD.

I dont doubt this till turn into a flame war on me just for the sake of the clan saving face for a member, but whatever. This is total BS.
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LukeSun Jun 20, 2010 4:18 pm

First let me say thank  you for playing on our servers. I see you on them often.

HOD did not kick you that was done by a 3rd party. You where asked to stop tking them as our admins would take care of it.You then TKed a BK member and continued to argue with BK members and received a kick. You then came back in and went straight after a BK member for which you revived a 1 round ban.

You are welcome to come back into our server again but please remember to be polite and friendly in the servers. If you need the help of an admin to take care of a TKer please just ask for help.

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SilenceSun Jun 20, 2010 4:26 pm

I did ask for help on the previous map while I was being TKed over and over. No one responded.
And I dont give a damn who kicked me. All that matters is I was kicked for a BS reason. Defending myself and then calling BS on the person that kicked me.
Do you really think I even want to come back to your server after that?
Yeah, I acted exactly the way a person in my position would react.
So I get kicked for it.
Pretend youre me. How would you react to being TKed over and over without admins doing anything and then as soon as you are seen defending yourself, SURPISE, the admins magically take notice of a TK.
If you say anything other than "I would be extremely p'ed off." Youre a liar.
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RifleDanSun Jun 20, 2010 5:08 pm

Just want to say that you have a cool name...............Honnor it by calming down dude.

Getting angry, calling names and swear will not help at all..... It never does.
As far as i know, policing those bc2 servers arent that easy and admins can't kick players just on word of others.
There is no spectator mode in bc2 so, BK's have to witness the "crime" in game, witch is complicate sometimes.
But you, admins witness your "crime" so.....
and they probably kicked those 2 players after you but....you was'nt there anymore....due to your act.

they(admins) are doing the best they can.
And, if you did what you said you did....i would've kick you myself.
Bad attitude never pay.
Instead of swearing and calling names, you should've help BK's in the investigation but...........hurg, you know the conclusion.

If you want to have some good times, like we try to do, you are welcome to come back in our servers though.
Gaming is a stress relief, not the opposite.
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FrwyDaveSun Jun 20, 2010 7:21 pm

well said, Dan.......
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SilenceSun Jun 20, 2010 9:29 pm

Doesnt matter now.
I found a server with a better map rotation and no dumb rules like "No cursing" even though there is a language filter AND the game is full of voice acted cursing anyway.
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LukeSun Jun 20, 2010 11:47 pm

Very sorry to see that I wish you the best with your new server.

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