Polite & Friendly's


The Honor of Rifle Nades

BulletThu Nov 26, 2009 5:23 pm

The title of this post is ironic because there is no honor in using rifle nades.  The last posters reasoning was a desparate reach to justify how he plays.  I have been spawn killed several times but I hardly ever spawn in the exact same place. If anything, rifle nades are the cause of my spawn death.  I have changed my style of play to keep from being naded as much as possible because I hate to be killed by a random explosion even if it is an educated guess.
I want to applaud all my fellow gamers who have not fallen to the "win" at all cost style of play.

RPG, RPG, Grenade Toss, spray a clip, get shot, second chance and start all over again.  This will get you a lot of meaningless kills and maybe even the top spot every time, but it can't get you respect.

Server rules say this is ok so I just adjust my play to the people on at the time or leave.
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GooberThu Nov 26, 2009 6:41 pm

this is a  game. if you take a game that serious then you need a different hobby. as far as respect if you want it go join the army.
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BulletFri Nov 27, 2009 1:56 am

I know its a game.  That's why I won't do just anything to win, and I seldom do. I don't seek respect for playing this or any other game.  There are some players here that are pretty darn good with both strategy and skill though. I do respect them for their ability.

Hey, I didn't start this topic.    I just posted to a topic in a gaming forum.  You got all snooty.

IN RESPONSE TO:  "as far as respect if you want it go join the army."

 Do you respect everyone in the army?  I certainly don't.
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GooberFri Nov 27, 2009 2:17 am

I have respect for everyone past or present that have served this country.
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BulletFri Nov 27, 2009 3:51 am

You are taking this way way off topic.

"I have respect for everyone past or present that have served this country"

How about this one.
Major Nidal Malik Hassan,  U.S. Army ???

It's not the uniform.   It's whats in it.
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LukeFri Nov 27, 2009 4:36 am

Please remember to be polite and friendly at all times. People may have different points of view but in the end we are all here to have fun.

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