Polite & Friendly's


The Honor of Rifle Nades

AstroDadTue Nov 24, 2009 3:51 am

I think what separates us, and what we try to achieve on our servers is something special. We try to slow the game down, play a more strategic and tactical game. We do not run and gun, we do not cheat, and we police our servers in the most anal way. Yet, we contradict all of this by utilizing rifle nades as a primary weapon in situations where rifle nades should never be used. How can we justify trying to play the style we play when we have our own members using a large splash, long range weapon like a rifle nade?

Better yet, how do we even consider the cheapness of the kills something that takes skill and honor? Yes, you rfile naders might get more kills and more points, but are you showing or earning the respect of the opponents by using a rifle nade over and over again? Who do you think earns more respect, the guy who has a 10 - 30 record but uses an Arisaka or the guy who is 30-10 who shoots rifle nades across the map at the beginning of a game and constantly utilizes the weapon throughout a round?

There has to be a balance, so I ask you this. If you utilize a Rifle Nade as a primary load out. Consider more carefully when and how you use it. Do you need to clear out a room so your team can advance? Or are you abusing it to get a higher kill count. Consider the fun in it for the rest of the people, dying by a rifle nade is frustrating, because it requires little skill. Stop eroding your abilities by relying on cheapness. Rifle Nades in BK servers is like using a nuke to kill a gopher in your yard, sure you can do it and get the kill, and it even makes a nice pretty fire, but there are definitely more sporting ways to get the job done.
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The_Mad_CappRTue Nov 24, 2009 5:04 am

I believe your on the right path Daddy O . You should grass root support for an allocation of server 3 and make it a "true tactical" server where RPG & Bazooka's are not allowed period. Neither is using weapons to randomly spam walls, throw "hope" grenades and spam smoke without a target. Other restrictions might be no 2nd chance or utilizing the .357 MAG as a primary weapon.

And make the penalties for breaking the rules more severe and immediate.

I believe this would go over very well and create a highly competitive "slowed down" gaming experience for those wishing to play that way.

I do use rpg to...well quite frankly, to make the the other naders mad and hopefully think about the condition they put the server in and how it affects all the other people. With the TK's and unrealistic pointblank RPGs and Bazookas.

I know this is old news but it just ruffles some feathers I guess and gets shot down.
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DFMhellboyTue Nov 24, 2009 5:37 am

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tetTue Nov 24, 2009 6:15 am

I could say the same thing about Bouncing Betties, or Last Stand, or the one out of three people who only use fully automatic weapons, or even when nearly an entire team is camping and it feels like you are the only person trying to advance.  Sure there are plenty of people who rely exclusively on their rifle nades, but there are some of us who actually know how to use them, believe it or not.

I personally would rather see every single person with rifle nades than everybody with last stand.
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A3TripodWed Nov 25, 2009 2:42 am

Tet.  You only get partial credit.  You can hardly compare bouncing betties to a rifle nade.  Can i blindly throw a betty?  Can I use it as a primary means off earning kills?  Not likely.  Betties are strategically placed in area that are often considered defensive to the play or team.  One does not run out and thro a betty at a group of players with the hope that fewer TKs occur than not.  Moreover, a betty can be countered in two ways.  you could take your time, and be on the lookout for a betty, thus allowing you to disable it.  Or you can equip the bomb squad perk and have zero excuse for being blown up by one.  What perk can I use to defend rifle nade spam?  None.  Is it possible that through cautiously approaching a corner, or otherwise safe spot I wold be safe from a rifle nade?  No.  Grenades at least force the thrower within a reasonable range of he action.  Moreover, the plausible victim has a chance to run for cover.

Second Chance?  Ya.  Second most annoying perk in the game.  Absolutely a waste of code and hard drive space.

Cliff's Notes:  Don't care what people use.  just like to poke holes in really weak arguments.
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DFMhellboyWed Nov 25, 2009 3:56 am

Well put A3Tripod. A betty better fits the slow and tactical game play of your servers as apposed to the shoot and pray you hit someone tactics of a rifle nade.  As far as last stand, when using it on your server it seems you more often than not wait to die due the the slow movement of other players. Besides, if your like me you always make shure your target is dead before you move on. Nothin better than out gunnin a last stander...
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The_Mad_CappRWed Nov 25, 2009 6:56 am

I would be willing to go point with bomb-squad and save the day... Wink

My friend and I play together a lot, for the last 16 years to be exact. We workout perks to compliment the others kits when we play. We work together to cover each other and inflict the most damage we can with just the 2 of us. Sometimes I give up the kills and carry bomb-squad while he carries Betty's and gets the kills from them and visa verse.

We try and stay battlefield aware and pay attention to who's around us, who we passed and who we are approaching, but most of all,  those previously mentioned who have died. Hopefully one of us has spoted tracer rounds or muzzle flash and inform the other.

It takes skill and knowledge of tactics to place a Betty properly, and make consistent kills with them. It takes no skill or tactical sense at all to shoot an RPG across the map.

There's just nothing like full tactical game-play, I find it quite exhilarating, especially when you have other people moving to hunt you down and using something other than blind/pointblank RPG and LOS (line of sight) glitches to kill ya.
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tetWed Nov 25, 2009 7:20 am

You're all missing the point.  I'm just throwing out another side to the conversation.   I disagree with Astrodad's assumption that most are using rifle nades as their primary weapon.  I think I only have them on one loadout iirc.  He thinks they are cheap, some don't.  He thinks they don't take any skill, some do.  I understand why he made this post, I was with him on ts just before.  There were a lot of people using them, though not the most I have ever seen on our servers at one time.

Everything in this game can be abused, which is why people dislike certain things.  Just remember, a good player only gets two rifle nades every so often.
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The_Mad_CappRWed Nov 25, 2009 8:17 am

Your absolutely right...there's 2 sides to any point or idea.

I agree with Astro's assessment of the majority of RPG use is, RPG regular's have it hooked up and ready to fly as their first weapon, that's if they haven't already spammed it across the map.

Very seldom do I exchange gunfire with someone to have them later RPG me in a second exchange. 95% of the time, it's "hope it kills more enemy than friendly" from across the map, spamming predictable occupation points or most of all, it's their first shot with enemy contact because they have the rpg loaded and ready to go.
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tetWed Nov 25, 2009 3:52 pm

I don't see anything wrong with having your rifle nade loaded and ready to go, that's why you have them in the first place.  Most maps people gather in certain places.  What is so bad about knowing where these places are and launching a rifle nade at them to hopefully take out more than one enemy at a time.  I agree that spawnlaunching is stupid and should be discouraged though on maps like Upheaval and Castle.
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LADYHAWKWed Nov 25, 2009 5:56 pm

Im not even going there.......
considering those inconsiderate wall spammers who dont care if there is an enemy or friendly behind the wall, at least most BK rifle naders actually know how to use a rifle nade and dont spawn kill!!!
nuf said :)

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OrckThu Nov 26, 2009 4:58 am

I still stick with the assumption (which I think can be verified pretty easily) that 9 out of 10 players who use rifle nades do this. They shoot both nades randomly and then charge the enemy (crouched ofcorse) so they can hopefully kill one or two enemies then die and get their nades back. Don't believe me? Watch the scores of those who use rifle nades. They migth have a ton of kills but they also are the guys who die the most. The reason why I say 9 out of 10 is to make room for guys like Smile and others who actually don't use their rifle nades that way.

Perhaps the reason I most hate rifle nades is because when I kill someone, they typically cannot kill me back unless they use a rifle nade and hit the wall next to me or the ceiling above me. I dig myself into a kill zone so I can kill people the most effective while giving them a tiny window of oppurtunity to return fire. Rifle nades defeat my strategy, so therefore I natually don't like them  Cool
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tetThu Nov 26, 2009 10:16 am

epbble wrote:

I still stick with the assumption (which I think can be verified pretty easily) that 9 out of 10 players who use rifle nades do this. They shoot both nades randomly and then charge the enemy (crouched ofcorse) so they can hopefully kill one or two enemies then die and get their nades back. Don't believe me? Watch the scores of those who use rifle nades. They migth have a ton of kills but they also are the guys who die the most. The reason why I say 9 out of 10 is to make room for guys like Smile and others who actually don't use their rifle nades that way.

Perhaps the reason I most hate rifle nades is because when I kill someone, they typically cannot kill me back unless they use a rifle nade and hit the wall next to me or the ceiling above me. I dig myself into a kill zone so I can kill people the most effective while giving them a tiny window of oppurtunity to return fire. Rifle nades defeat my strategy, so therefore I natually don't like them  Cool

Gotta give Smile, Ladyhawk, and even myself(sorry, shameless plug) credit when you can kill us from halfway across the map, then we lob a rifle nade in that tiny little window you are using. Wink
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wacek-wojtekThu Nov 26, 2009 2:15 pm

agreed, amen
nades are for women only
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GooberThu Nov 26, 2009 3:27 pm

not giving up my nades.there in the game to use . i dont like people camping the spawn all the time . the only way i can get out of a spawn is to rifle nade.
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