Polite & Friendly's


Had To Post This

Nam-RangerFri Oct 30, 2009 6:29 pm

Please be aware if you are offended by a religious video please do not click the link.
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dogshadowFri Oct 30, 2009 8:25 pm

I though tthere was no politics and no reglion in the clan chat channels or forums.

Sorry for being blunt, but It is one of the things that attacts me to the clan. Have your faith, and im glad for you, but please dont try to take me down the road to salvation with you.
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SinisterFri Oct 30, 2009 8:56 pm

Please delete the upper posts!
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Nam-RangerFri Oct 30, 2009 9:52 pm

You can delete the words of God I can't and won't.
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SinisterFri Oct 30, 2009 9:59 pm

ok sure. just wanted to follow the rules but it seems that it is allowed so no worries.
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ImmolationFri Oct 30, 2009 11:03 pm

I don't know... I don't see a problem with it... he's not trying to shove it down your throats, as you have a choice to watch it or not. That's just my oppinion though and I don't know how BK's leadership really feels about it.
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ImmolationFri Oct 30, 2009 11:04 pm

I think the main concern is people getting into heated arguments about religion, because it can be a touchy subject.
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BulletFri Oct 30, 2009 11:04 pm

Religion and politics do not belong on a game server.  I am deleting what I had posted.
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JaybirdFri Oct 30, 2009 11:05 pm

I don't have a problem with it.....maybe you make a religious section?? ...since the post above had no indication that it was religious in nature.
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SinisterFri Oct 30, 2009 11:18 pm

I don't see the problem either- I wasn't interested so I did not see the link. Just thought the religion rule was same in forums, that's all Wink
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LukeSat Oct 31, 2009 12:20 am

I expect all members to know and follow our forum rules if you are a member of the website. Please take a moment to review the follow to rules or see them all here:

16. Swearing, Racism, and Disrespectful comments
We have a ZERO tolerance policy for racism on our game server, website and our Teamspeak server. You will be kicked after two warning for swearing when the swearing is not directed toward a member, server, or team. Swearing and disrespectful comments towards any player (guest, -BK-, [DD]) will result in a kick/ban with the length differing depending on the severity. Racism is a permanent ban. We also do not allow posts that are intended too be an attack on member of the website.
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15. Be respectful and polite to everyone.
All members of our forums are expected to respect all members. This also includes their points of views on all topics. There is a way to disagree and still respect your fellow member. If you feel a topic is improper please contact an admin.

09. Flames, Attacks & Off Topic Comments
No flames, personal attacks or contentious off topic comments: The idea is to make this a pleasant environment for everyone.

11. Censorship & violate these rules
Debate about everything, even when heated, is encouraged. This is not about censorship. However, while we do not and cannot police every post, we will delete posts coming to our attention that we believe violate these rules. We reserve the right to remove any post with our notice or warning.

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