Polite & Friendly's


Its time to count your gadgets.

MlgaBeanTue Oct 06, 2009 10:15 pm


I don't believe this statement and i've decided the best way to tell is to have everyone count their gadgets. My theory for this statement if true is that Mac owners have to buy a ton of gadgets just to make the Mac even worth the purchase. So start counting guys and girls! i want your results posted on this thread.

i'm at 12 so far and i havn't left my office yet.

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AstroDadTue Oct 06, 2009 10:42 pm

Ok folks, I hear this argument all the time and I am going to put my 2 cents in the ring. I own both "formats" Mac and PC.

The gadget question is unfair, because it is all about how you choose to utilize your system. For example, I own a video production company, and my MAC setups have special units for video editing, sound mixing and sequencing, high speed tape loaders and transfer units, multiple storage facilities, and the list can go on. I can do the same setup via the PC, and it is ever expanding and evolving. On the other hand, my PC setups are strictly for gaming and entertainment. So I have  a big monitor, big drives, a headset, a web cam, a gaming mouse and keyboard. I have my compliment of iphones, ipods and such, but my gadget list for each platform only coincides with the work I do on it. Same holds true for my laptops.

So to say that a Mac user has more gadgets than a PC user is unfair. Most everyday PC users simply use office, play some games, and surf the web. Most MAC users do a bit more, at least that is the way it used to be until just recently. Mac is specialized, PC is generic. Hence why you can pick up a PC Shopper magazine and see 10,000 PC manufacturers but you only have 1 apple corporation. It is not about the gadgets, it is about the use.

My name is Bernard, I am a PC, and I am a Mac
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J_MarleyWed Oct 07, 2009 3:56 pm

I am going to add my two cents to this too. I own 2 PCs and 3 Macs. I am a Graphic Design graduate and have been using a mac since 1992, even before I started using PCs.

Now, lets look at what they ACTUALLY said here. Mac owners own more gadgets then PC owners by 2:1. They do not say that it these gadgets are in any way connected or related to the computer, just that thy have other gadgets. So your theory isn't really based off anything that the article states. And from my experience, you need even LESS gadgets for macs because of what it all comes with initially. You have web design programs, music recording programs, instant messaging and email programs and much more already installed and full versions, not just boltware trials. Now I'm not saying that PCs don't have their place, but there is a reason the average price point on a Mac is that much higher.

What leads me to my next point. Since the Mac has a higher price point, that means that a person that wants to get a high end Mac needs to have the money to do so, which also means they are more likely to have the money to spend on other gadgets too. The cheaper PCs only cost $300 thereby making them affordable to everyone, even those who can't afford something like a $300 iPod or a new graphics card for their computer. They are general use users that don't need anything more than a base model and don't need or intend to use other gadgets, and therefore do not buy them.

This all being said, what are we considering a gadget? Does it have to cost a certain amount or have certain features? I'll give an extremely conservative estimate here and say I'm around 43? But most of these are things I have gotten over the years and most still use.
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AxxiomWed Oct 07, 2009 6:55 pm

Define "gadget" and I'll be happy to give a number. Is the Wii system (as a whole) a gadget? or is the Wii a gadget and each Wiimote a gadget? Is my wireless router a gadget? etc etc Smile
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tetWed Oct 07, 2009 7:47 pm

One Desktop pc
two laptops(one running os x)
a Zune
a Blackberry
a stereo
guess i could always count my coffee maker and the bean grinder too.

won't count things like modems, clocks, ect.

i use my blackberry and my pc the most.  since i got my blackberry my zune has been sitting in it's dock playing endlessly.
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MlgaBeanThu Oct 08, 2009 4:04 am

to be honest with you i don't really know what the statement means. It is true that a mac is designed more for graphics and visual editing (ie Final Cut Pro, Photoshop etc.) PCs are geared more for the casual user like someone who just wants to browse the internet or game. My thought on gadgets would be Phone, Ipod, portable game device such as PSP or nintendo DS. with that said i don't have very many things.

4 working cell phones - only 2 that i use (one being my wifes.)
3 MP3 players.
2 portable CD players
a Game Boy a DS and a PSP

if you add in stereo equipment and computers

I have 2 Desktops, 3 laptops, a flatbed Scanner, a Printer, 3 portable Hard Drives
BluRay player, A/V reciever, Projector, Xbox 360, Wii, NES, and an Atari (which i only break out once in a blue moon)

thats just the main stuff i can even break down the controllers and accessories for my console systems but i think thats pushing it.

I suppose to count accurately there would have to be some sort of Gadget approval list. I mean what exactly do they count as a Gadget?

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