Polite & Friendly's



Shane-TRB-Sun Jul 06, 2008 3:25 am

Hey everybody, I'm sure most of you guys remember me... Well I'll cut right to the chase.  I heard through the grape vine that a few days ago when a couple of your members (Viper in particular) played with/against candyman and I.  Not to our faces but to others we were accused of hacking/cheating.  Wallhacking in particular.  If anyone would like a demo of my screen I will gladly give it to you, as will candy.  I actually have a demo of his because we disputed a TWL match that we recently had.  So this is how it went: Candy and I were playing one and one in our server and a member of *BK* joined.  We welcomed him and continued play than another member showed up and your member asked if we would like to change teams so that ::TRB:: and *BK* could be on opposing teams.  We agreed to this and began play again.  Than another *BK* member showed up.  At first I was just foolin around, mainly using a pistol and Candy was somewhat trying... Than we decided to as we say "pull out our TWL kits" Which on our team means only silenced weapons, uav jammer and dead silence as well as fragx3.  We were still only playing nonchalantly and having fun.  We handedly won that map, and moved onto the next map: Chinatown.  Here we were about half-way through and all of a sudden 2 of your guys left w/o saying a word leaving one of your members... and haha, he didn't even realize they left until I asked where they went.  Than a few days later I heard that Candyman and I had been accused of cheating.  So I figured that I would just drop by and say hi as I confronted this incidence.  ::TRB:: Plays fair and does not hack/cheat.  We are a clean in-your-face kick your ass squad.  We compete in TWL on a regular basis and Candyman and I are both active in this (we work together and practice all the time, well not so much recently actually it was the first time I had played in about 2 weeks because of my internet acting up)  So all in all I hope this clears everything up, hopefully this will not turn into a flame thread.  I meant no disrespect with anything above if someone takes it the wrong way than fine, I simply gave a play by play account of what happened.  SO... the lesson of the story:- Please do not accuse anyone w/o proof.  And if you do accuse do it to their face, not to others trying to soil their name.  This was basically intended for Viper as he is the only person that I heard was vocally complaining about us.  Please feel free to stop by the server or teamspeak anytime.  If you would like to set up a time to meet with me and discuss any of the preceding please email me at shanebelanger [at] gmail [dot] com or just look under my name at the bottom of the post for our ts and website info.

::TRB:: Shane
ts ip: (there is no pass)
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ViperSun Jul 06, 2008 7:02 am

I was not the one saying it at first but oook.

Accusing someone in a server does nothing looks childish and wastes time so that's why nothing was said. And we just left...

Well the reason it came up was all of a sudden we are dieing through walls when you had no shot, and it was 90% headshots. Or all of a sudden you head shot the whole 3 man team with three bullets.

And we DID do a lil test where we all layed down in random spots that we couldn't be seen.. and your guys shot through the walls and fragged the exact spot of one guy in particular. We were all using UAV jammer but there wasn't one up.

Unconvincing 3 people that have no doubt in their mind. good luck...

And also TRB's huge problem with VHB and possibly BK might not help your argument. Since some of you are ex VHB and BK.

I honestly don't care. say you guys are amazing. say you guys and your lil kits make you better. doesn't matter to me.
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Shane-TRB-Sun Jul 06, 2008 7:23 pm

Think what you want, honestly I don't care anymore.  Play in some matches and you will see... (real matches like CAL or TWL)  And saying that TRB and BK has a problem is way off the wall... there is no problem between BK or TRB and there has never been one.  They are always welcome in our teamspeak and our server and some of your members take advantage of this.  What has happened between VHB and TRB was just simply stupid and we just do not talk to each other anymore, we hold no grudge but I do not know about them.  Oh and I hs all of you guys because the one time i didn't have jammer yall just swarmed at me and candy was hollerin out positions haha... teamwork  Cool ...and remember I still have those demos if u want to stop accusing and really look  Very Happy
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ViperSun Jul 06, 2008 7:48 pm

If you don't care then this post is pointless.

Delete it.
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SwiftMon Jul 07, 2008 5:29 pm

HAHAH wow shane, long time no see !
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Shane-TRB-Tue Jul 08, 2008 1:15 am

hey swifty, how have you been... any of the old guys still around?  I know that I saw take, but how about luke and sapph and matro and chameleon? how bout your sis?  you'll all have to stop by the server sometime, or maybe a friendly match or two?  I know that my guys are lookin around for a match, we pulled out of TWL for the summer so we have just been scrimming inter-squad and the odd match here and there.
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SwiftTue Jul 08, 2008 1:34 am

I'm pretty sure they are all around.

I'm the one that's not a round lol

I don't think they remember me Sad

I'm just kidding i'm sure they do i just haven't talked to them on TS in over a year. I need a court marshal or something.

I can't play CoD 4. I'm too busy and i don't own the game.
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Shane-TRB-Wed Jul 09, 2008 3:51 am

hey, give me a time and a place and i'll see if I can get my boys on... try to give me like a weeks notice though.
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StrongWed Jul 09, 2008 9:45 pm

Hey Shane

Long time bro.  I am still here just not playing online anymore dont have a internet that is fastest  for gaming. I dont know when I will be back to gaming. But I dont stop by from time to time and say hi and see what is going on.
Will maybe sometime I will stop on TS and chat with u all.

By The Way Shane do u have Xbox 360? If so maybe we can game together bro.

To all BK member if u have Xbox 360 Plz let me know

Maybe we can play a few games together. That is the only way I can play online  where my internet can keep out with.

Talk to u all later
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Shane-TRB-Sat Jul 12, 2008 1:28 am

Late at night, like after 9 anytime really... and we all have lives so like I said at least a weeks notice, thanks!
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Tripwire=VHB=Sat Sep 13, 2008 6:16 am

Smile A dead issue from the start, but good reading....
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