Polite & Friendly's


Proving a point

The_Mad_CappRTue Sep 29, 2009 10:13 pm

Well success...hypocrisy knows no bounds.
Been asked to join BK, I duno how many times. Told the inquiring peeps that I have issues.
I have seeing so much running today that I thought I would prove a point...I started walking sights down and running...whoosh I got attention immediately.
I was kicked for walking running so quick my head is still spinning as I write this, as intended by a spiteful admin...I got 2 warnings and was kicked seconds after the 2ND warning.
All the other regs that were walking/running , are still playing.
I asked this question directly after 1st warning..."do you expect something more from me than the other regs?" Not one BK would reply! Totally ignored.
mission accomplished...dual standards and a admins with axes to grind.
It's disheartening that I would complain about the waking sights down/running of others...and then see a BK walk upright sights down 3/4 back to the battle every time from respawn and no other BK says a word.
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NEMATODETue Sep 29, 2009 10:38 pm

Grow up
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mr-tTue Sep 29, 2009 10:39 pm

hey The_Mad_CappR please be aware that it is impossible for the admins to monitor every one all of the time and

second i did not know that you had been asked to join BK and after asking the people who warned you they did not know you had been asked either.

third you have been playing on our servers a long time and know that you should be crouched or sighted when moving.

fourth there are not requirements from admins to kick a certain number of players and you were not the only person kicked you just so happened to be the first.

fifth as far as i can see earlier today there was no BK on that were able to give warnings.

and just to finish this post you were kicked for breaking the rules and you admitted to that yet you still complain when its only your fault
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MouroTue Sep 29, 2009 10:40 pm

Mate put youself in the position of a BK member,sometimes i have to spectate an entire map to check for runners so that you and all the others can enjoy a pleasent game.
The rest of it i will not even comment.
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LADYHAWKTue Sep 29, 2009 10:46 pm

right, here we go.....
you might not notice but the admins do spectate alot and notice that some people do run but its when they are under fire or escaping a nade (which IS allowed).
If another BK runs/walks unsighted (and I have seen this happen) then they suffer a far greater penalty when called out.
Considering you are openly admitting your guilt of running then I would seriously consider your application with BK as we will only recruit people who will follow the rules rather than try to flout them to prove a point.....
I feel that the disruption in game just to try and show that others are getting away with breaking our rules is rather dishonourable and next time you might like to try warning those rule breakers and let the admins and BK members see (by your warnings) that there is someone breaking the rules and so helping rather than hindering our efforts as a clan and team.
We have many non BK members who understand that we are only human and they help us by asking the rule breakers to stop and so alerting us of any problems without the need of visiting our forums just to snipe at a great bunch of guys who just want to play together and police our servers with the pride and honour that we all share!!!!
Thanks for reading!
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LADYHAWKTue Sep 29, 2009 10:47 pm

btw...love you nema Smile
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DiggerBazTue Sep 29, 2009 11:16 pm

Hey MadCapr. Talk about an axe to grind. BK has some of the best admins around. It's easy to try and trip people up when you are on a mission to prove a point (misguided as it is).  I could jump on any server and easily do the same mate. Crikey!
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The_Mad_CappRTue Sep 29, 2009 11:17 pm

I am all grow'd up. And that statement helps how? My feeling's aren't hurt  Crying or Very sad  if that was the intent.
I don't deny it's tough to admin a server...oh how I know. Thank you very much for you time and effort.
I freely admit to breaking the rules and I know the consequences of my actions and I am not sore about being kicked.
I play a fair and honest game and follow the rules, it's not much to ask for equal treatment and just action for all.
You call me dishonorable? for what...exposing a problem?
The point being that there were admin present...tons of warnings were being issued. Some by BK and many others by players...myself included. No action was being taken.
Was playing more important than enforcing rules...I was "enforced" as quick as a heart beat. Wink
Duno how yall do it...but I admin in windows mode with RCON running...don't loose too much play time.
Anyway...since my first post to your forums which was a reply, must have insulted someone and caused the entire post to be deleted, I expect the same here.
thanks for listening
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DiggerBazTue Sep 29, 2009 11:20 pm

Addendum:  perhaps you'd be better suited to another server mate.
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MRHIGHLIFETue Sep 29, 2009 11:25 pm

So you were breaking the rules.  Check
You were given all your warnings.  Check
You were then kicked for breaking said rules.  Check.
You are mad because others werent kicked.  Check.

Its not a science.  Admins cant watch over everyone at the same time.  When u throw the flag up as a runner, attention draws to you, not to others.

I have seen the server where there are multiple runners, and many *BK* members telling the admins, player A is running, player B is running, 1 warning here, 3 warnings there, etc etc.

So u have to appreciate what they are trying to do overall.  If you feel singled out, you shouldnt, you said u were breaking the rules on purpose.  Attention will be drawn to you.  Thats the way it goes.

Im sorry if u feel mistreated.  But when you ask for it, sometimes u get it.
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J_MarleyTue Sep 29, 2009 11:34 pm

I am not a senior member here, so I will make my comments brief and hope that they reach you with open ears. May I first start out by apologizing that you felt it necessary to perform a test of character on our servers about our admins. Normally we try to deal with issues discretely as we feel it should not interrupt others experience with the game and our servers.

This being said, I will address each point you mentioned:

First, it is to my understanding that many BK members do not openly recruit. I personally do not initiate a recruiting conversation unless I have gotten the time to know the person a bit beyond the game. This is normally done by me asking them to join us in Team Speak as almost all BK members communicate ingame this way. It helps us know who we are playing with and enjoy playing more. So as far as BK asking you repeatedly to join, I cannot say that I feel it's an accurate statement and I doubt will be repeated with you in the future.

Secondly, we have console scrolling text for a reason on the servers. They display our rules and our information, such as our Team Speak IP. We occasionally have non-BK members come on our Team Speak to hang out or chat or even (though rarely) ask why they were removed from our servers. We then have the opportunity to take them aside and speak with them one on one. This is usually most effective.

Third, I personally do not hold grudges against players. I can from time to time be offended by a comment or purposeful team kill, but I will not kick someone out of spite. I can speak for the other admins as well that we make sure we give the appropriate warnings and try to make reasonable judgment calls based on what we can see and notice. As you stated, you were given the due warnings and then removed. So this was not out of spite. Admins like those will kick without question. You were given the opportunity to follow the rules, and you chose not to.

Fourth, there are times when a BK member forgets to crouch or hits the wrong button. I cannot speak for other BK members on this action but here is what I attempt to do. If this action is seen, I check to see if the player (BK or non-BK) in is Team Speak. If they are I will verbally let them know that they are walking upright and should crouch. It gives them the the opportunity to immediately stop without having to type out a warning and run the chance they don't see it because they are too focused. This to me is ideal. More time for me to play and less admin responsibilities to have to do. There are times where a player is not in TS and I have to give the warning ingame, whether it's a BK member or not.

And finally, the message you typed may just not have been seen. If I am playing a game, I can completely miss things that are written at times because my focus is on not being killed. Chances are if you asked, it may just not have been read.

I hope this addressed your concerns and gives you a better insight to the process. If you still feel there is something to be discussed, I welcome you to talk with me or one of our senior officers regarding your concerns. Good Luck.
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SinisterTue Sep 29, 2009 11:37 pm

Mate. If a bunch of kids started killing peoples on the street, would you start doing the same just to prove that police is doing nothing? Instead you should call them out. You're annoyed? Help out instead of complaining about the job we're doing. That's all from you frendly neighbourhood clown Sinister.
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LukeTue Sep 29, 2009 11:41 pm

I think enough *BK* have responded to this. If you would like to talk about this more please feel free to email me at Luke [at] BKops2 [dot] net

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