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LOA starting today

J_MarleyTue Sep 29, 2009 1:08 am

Looks like I will be out for awhile. The RAM in my computer has started to go to the point where I can no longer keep programs open for more than 30 minutes before everything slows down. Until I get different memory in here it looks like I will be shelving my game play and that looks to be a long time from now since I can't afford any. Will still be around, just not as much.
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LukeTue Sep 29, 2009 1:19 am

j_Marley where do you live maybe someone that lives by you has some spare ram laying around that they could send you. I'll also ask my brother he has a lot of computer parts laying around.

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psycodadTue Sep 29, 2009 4:56 am

I just ripped a DDR@ out of my old computer...its not much but it might help
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J_MarleyTue Sep 29, 2009 6:06 pm

I live in Wausau, Wisconsin. It's kind of dead center of the state. I think the closest BK members live in Appleton, WI. My computer MB uses DDR400 (3200). At the moment I have only one 1GB stick in, but I believe it can take up to four. It's an older system that I built about 4 years ago, but with everything that has been going on lately I can't afford to make the changes to have it running smoothly.

EDIT: If you have facebook, I am on there.
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ImmolationTue Sep 29, 2009 6:13 pm

I live near Madison but I don't have any spare memory...
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J_MarleyTue Sep 29, 2009 6:21 pm

Hey, totally understand about not having spare money, or any money. If anyone does have any old parts like that laying around though, I could probably find a way to pay for shipping at least. I do appreciate the offers. I know most people are using DDR2 memory so I don't even know if anyone would have this anymore.
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smileTue Sep 29, 2009 6:29 pm

I have 2 gigs of memory around some pc3200 have some in my old computer but not sure if they got fried I can try to send them to see if they work
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BullittTue Sep 29, 2009 11:02 pm

And I have 2 sticks of 512 PC3200 that you are welcome to.
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MlgaBeanThu Oct 01, 2009 7:19 am

i have some super old Samsung RDRAM 4*128mb don't think it'll help you though.
yay for keeping stuff you never use or will ever use again.


p.s. if you want it though i'll send it to ya.
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NEMATODEThu Oct 01, 2009 1:01 pm

dude ram is like $10. If you haven't checked lately it's dirt cheap. Go look it up on tigerdirect
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LoOnyCalThu Oct 01, 2009 2:51 pm

that is true Nema its cheap as heck it seems now a days...
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FideauxThu Oct 01, 2009 5:01 pm

I have 3gig you are more than welcome too, PM me an address and I will send it to you no problems.

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just-dieThu Oct 01, 2009 6:12 pm

not to change the subject but why do u think its the ram
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just-dieThu Oct 01, 2009 6:13 pm

sounds more like heat related
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J_MarleyThu Oct 01, 2009 6:54 pm

lol, Hellin. You WOULD be the one to bring up heating issues, you with your 'Burning Wrath'. What makes me think its the RAM is because everything has started to slow WAY down. I can barely do my freelance work using Photoshop and Quark because I will click and drag and it will take a second to catch up to where I am. Granted Photoshop takes a lot to run, but I know it's not the graphics card. As far as my system temps? I can give you what Everest has on it:

Motherboard: 29
CPU: 36
GPU: 58
HD1: 34
HD2: 37

If need be I can post information in the tech forums section because I know the thing has been acting up, but I don't honestly know the extent of it and my technical expertise only goes so far.

And Nema, I looked and couldn't find what you were talking about. The lowest price was $20 for a 512MB. I only have 4 slots on my board and while they can operate dual channel, I know it costs a lot more to do that. And I would love to be able to buy the RAM, but I have kids that need to be fed and even $10 is more than I can afford to give to something that's not nearly as important as them. Being out of work for 7 months and not eligible for unemployment has caused me to cut out anything that is not essential. I probably devote about 5-6 hours a day either looking for jobs or creating something for a portfolio so when I do get an interview I have more to show. I know a lot of others here are in similar predicaments.
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