Polite & Friendly's


The zombie tips and hints

HawksFS-BK-Mon Sep 28, 2009 1:10 pm

I just thought to start this thread on the zombie side of the coop single player game.
For 1 what do you do with the teddies ???
and it may help others that are either trying to play and not really getting any where.
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LukeMon Sep 28, 2009 1:22 pm

Just a heads up I moved this post to the general area of the forums so everyone can post here. I also would love to have some help with this.

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MRHIGHLIFEMon Sep 28, 2009 1:23 pm

The teddies, if you and I are talking about the same thing, make the ??? box disappear in its current location, and reappear in another location somewhere on the map.  These locations are marked by where the boxes with teddies are already located.

Also, I like to try and leave a "crawler", so u can go repair windows, get guns, ammo, etc.

Depending on the map, there are good areas to be, and bad areas to be.  Of course the electric fences come in handy.

And my favorite is the monkey.  Hilarious.
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LukeMon Sep 28, 2009 1:49 pm

The Monkey is great but it never kills enough of them and takes way to long to throw it. How do you make a "crawler"? I have done it a few times my accident but would love to have some control over it.

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RaptorMon Sep 28, 2009 3:43 pm

A crawler is a zombie without legs, the zombies pulls itself along the ground with only its arms, you can make a crawler by throughing a grenade at them, then they lose their legs
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LukeMon Sep 28, 2009 3:50 pm

So you can only do it by grenade and not by shooting them?

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ImmolationMon Sep 28, 2009 3:50 pm

The best spot to stay on the map is the teleporter on the right hand side of the map. There's a type 100 on the wall that can keep you going forever. I got through round 16 (all other players had died) by myself, in that little area, with the type 100 and the wonder waffle (big ray gun). The best thing to do is obviously try and get all the teleporters open so you can use the pack a punch machine. Also, try and get juggernought and slight of hand.
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Red_Leg-LRS-Mon Sep 28, 2009 4:59 pm

The two best means to get you a crawler are with the ray gun aimed at the knees, or the M1 w/ rocket nade at the feet.

The type 100 is a good weapon, you can find that teleporter area very tight to run around.

I truly believe it is best to move, but this is tough to do with a full 4 person team unless everyone has a light auto with easy ammo like the STG at the teleport straight from the main point. (or the Type 100) As that way everyone runs at near same pace, and your heavy machine gunner is not way behind.

Here is a good routine if you have a 'mobile' group that can keep up.

Once at level 14 or 15 time to stop 'camping' because you will be getting fewer reloads and should have made the effort to have at least one upgraded(pack-a-punch) weapon with a 'wall reload' available and at least one of the 'electronic weapon' or heavy machinegun.

Whatever area you are on the map, start the electric fence, then go to teleporter and as zombies start to make it through the fence, and your team is ready to reload, activate the teleporter and immediately run to the next nearest entrance OPPOSITE from the area you came from and turn on the electric fence at that entrance and head to the bridge. As zombies build up below you, jump (with ALL your team) and turn on the electric fence and head to teleporter. and REPEAT.

Made it to 31 couple nights ago with all players surviving until overun due to trying to revive a player that fell behind. I had not played with these folks before, but with communication and movement we made it that high. This is also a HUGE way to save a team should everyone else get knocked down.

IF you lose a player once at a high level, tell them to NOT worry about the box, just to get ANY weapon they can and upgrade it. STG is one of the better upgraded wall purchase weapons, or the FG. and then as you teleport back to main, quickly upgrade and then as heading back to bridge, QUICKLY get Juggernaut. Wait till the end of a round to get the Speed as that is centrally located and you can make it back to your team.
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RaptorMon Sep 28, 2009 11:26 pm

No, but the greande always works best for me, Shooting takes to long imo.
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HawksFS-BK-Tue Sep 29, 2009 3:21 am

I know if your single player if you type give all in console it gives you all weapons but the ammo is 999 but you still have to reload.
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HawksFS-BK-Tue Sep 29, 2009 12:45 pm

Result  Cheat Code  
God mode god
Double health and can survive one grenade explosion demigod
All weapons give all
Infinite amunition sf_use_ignoreammo 1
No clipping mode noclip
Flight mode ufo
Teleport to a node jumptonode
Disable AI notarget
List maps mapname
Change maps map [map name]
Change maps with cheat mode enabled devmap [map name]
Black and white movie mode sf_use_bw 1
Photo negative mode sf_use_invert 1
Silent movie mode sf_use_chaplin 1
Commit suicide kill

This may help some for fun.
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MRHIGHLIFETue Sep 29, 2009 1:00 pm

In zombies, on the new map, the best area is by the teleporter where the type 100 is, as mentioned before.  If u have 3 guys, one watches the R, one the middle, and one the L.  Sometimes the ??? box will reappear there, which is nice.  If you have to bail, the telelporter is right there.  It is also nice for dogs, as the majority of them come right down the middle.

3 of us have made it to lvl 21, and are just getting on to the pack a punch.  As stated earlier, juggernaut and slight of hand or quick reload is a must if you want to make it.

Also, I found, if you have the extra cash, the bowie knife is nice to have, it gives u a one slash kill with the knife, which is nice if you get in a tight jam.

I still like the monkeys, if you time it right after the fence goes down, u can easily kill a lot of zombies easily, then if a max ammo pops up u get new monkeys.

Also nice is the rocket launcher with quick reload and the rifle nades with quick reload.  You can do a lot of damage quickly.

If anyone ever wants to play zombies let me know, I love it!

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