Polite & Friendly's


Kicked and Banned

SandkatThu Aug 27, 2009 12:58 pm

I was just kicked and banned from Polite and Friendly 1.  Reason given: Admin decision.

I was warned on Circle house? for running. Now, I admit the first time I was running.  Instead of a warning I get TK'd by [PFC]HawksFS-BK- and then Im warned against running. Towards the end of that same map, I started to move between 2 train cars when someone started to shoot at me (could hear the bullets ricocheting off the trains) so I ran to quickly get to safe cover. [PFC]Hawks gives me a final warning.  

Next map. Halfway through, Im walking with sights up through a field, when Im kicked and subsequently banned.

I admit to the first one, sure. The second one, I was following the rule that states Im allowed to run if under fire and/or being naded. The kick/ban? Wasnt running.
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{eZs}WoodyTue Sep 08, 2009 5:33 am

You know what?  I had the same thing....

No warning at all.  Just kicked and banned.

I was following the rules but needed to cross an open area that was being covered by sniper fire.  Well if this is supposed to be a realism server no nutcase would walk across that short distance knowing he was going to take fire.  besides, the rules specifically state that you can run when under fire or avoiding a grenade.  I was just keeping up with my teamates while pushing spread up an open corridor.  We were all walking slowly with our guard up.

Look, I liked the rules, I like the idea of playing in a realistic fashion and not having lag monkeys running and gunning and 'nade spamming all over the place with no fear of death.  I can understand kicking someone like that but as far as I could tell there was very little running and gunning going on.  Running and ducking for short distances is very realistic and an outright ban on running is stupid and not realistic.

I understand it's your server and you can act in any way you want but in my opinion you guys were just rude and impolite.  I never treated my guests like that on my servers.  If there's a guy running and gunning you can warn him but kicking and banning a person with no warning is just rude.  

It only makes me wonder if my two or three to one kill ratio had anything to do with it.  Makes me think an admin on the wrong side of my LMG just got pissed.

I guess I'll go back and play with the pros.
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DiggerBazTue Sep 08, 2009 6:23 am

G'day Woody - Our Admins are well trained and can spot rule-breakers easily. However in your case what may have happened is 1. Assuming you weren't breaking rules - a rule breaker is lined up to be kicked and leaves the game just as the kick is made, you unfortunately are above that person and drop into the slot being kicked. OR 2. You were given warning but did not see the mandatory 2 warnings and was kicked.
Now if you were keeping up with your team mates - perhaps they were running across an open area and weren't under fire thereby breaking rules. On a final note: Insinuating that you were kicked because an Admin was annoyed at your kill/Death ratio is really a slurr against our admins and server mate so be carfeul how you phrase things. Admins aren't young kiddies on a power trip mate. Hope this has helped. regards DiggerBaz
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FreyTue Sep 08, 2009 6:29 am

Woody, first of all, the rules state that you may only run if under fire or being naded.  They do not include running because you are anticipating fire.  I can't say anything about the warnings as I wasn't on your server when it happened.  Perhaps you missed the warnings?  Second of all, I don't know of any of the admins that kick because they were killed by someone or a person's kdr was good.  Second of all, please watch your tone.  We do appreciate the feedback, and if you feel the kick was unfair you have every right to state as much and address the issue, but, at least attempt to do it with a little decorum.  If you had missed the typed warnings and ran as you stated you had, well, the kick was appropriate.  If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the rules, please feel free to ask and I'm sure you'll get an answer or reply.
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mstrsniperTue Sep 08, 2009 7:52 am

yeah well said Frey i'm with u on this m8 Twisted Evil
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BolerroTue Sep 08, 2009 3:20 pm

Neither of these players show up in the PB banlist.  Also, not sure why Woody necro'd this thread just to say he had the same thing happen.
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DiggerBazTue Sep 08, 2009 4:04 pm

Yep there is a bloke called Wayne-Kerr who is similar to Woody which probably explains it. Or Woody ... also explains it
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J_MarleyTue Sep 08, 2009 5:21 pm

Getting back to Sandkat. Most of the admins here do not like to kick people. It's a game and we would like to play and enjoy it just like everyone else. There are times that we have to make a judgment call based on what we hear and see. This results in a kick. If you were banned, that has nothing to do with running and we do keep a section for the admins to record this information so it can be referenced.

As far as it saying admin decision, that just means the kick was done manually. When you are kicked, we also give a reason for the kick as well. The most common ones are 'walking unsighted' and 'running'. Do you remember what it said after admin decision?
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