Polite & Friendly's


The End of an Era...!

NHLhockyTue Sep 01, 2009 1:59 pm

Fish and Red, sorry to hear that you have left but looking forward to seeing you down the road.  Red, how dare you get the 10 kills in the orange jacket and then leave me!!! Seriously, you two were what drew me to BK and will be deeply missed.  However, there are still brothers and sisters out there on the battlefield and will continue the good fight.  Again, Tex and Fish thanks for everything that you have done to make it what it is today.
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Sabotage-NORTue Sep 01, 2009 3:19 pm

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BullTue Sep 01, 2009 3:24 pm

Wow.... thats shocking news. I'm sorry to hear you are taking your leave now fish. Its been a pleasure speaking with you over the past few months and getting to know a little bit about you was a treat. Good luck to you in wherever you end up and don't be a stranger.
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AstroDadTue Sep 01, 2009 3:34 pm

Wow...Fish...you were the first person to greet me and you were always extremely nice and helpful. Although I am new, I think I have a very good grasp on how many people here appreciated you and counted on you. I don't think the TS conversation will be the same. I don't pretend to know or understand the reasons behind you and Red leaving, but I truly hope I didn't do something to offend you or am part of the reason why you are both leaving. I will miss you guys, I really enjoyed playing the game with both of you.

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Fish_USNTue Sep 01, 2009 5:35 pm

AstroDad, BK Members, et al,

Please note that no one iindividual was the cause of the Tx_Red and Fish show coming to an end here at BK.  I know Tx_Red would agree with me when I say  that we have the highest repsect and regard for the many friends here at BK and for all its members and regulars who visited us along the way.   All of you, whether you know it or not, were the inspiration behing the Tx_Red and Fish Show as we thrived on our conversations with all you.  Hopefully we have paved the way for someone else to step up and keep things going.  It was a priviledge getting to know all of you and hopefully our paths will cross again in the near future.  God Bless...!

Your friend,
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NEMATODETue Sep 01, 2009 5:44 pm

Fish it wasn't the TS show that people will miss it's you.

You can go ahead now and tell them about how you hated me and left because the very thought of me physically sickened you to the point of throwing up and your blind hatred and rage was making your vision blurry. It's ok a lot of people will understand.
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BullTue Sep 01, 2009 7:11 pm

Fish, if we let Nematode go, will you stay?  Wink hehehe.... you will be missed tho fish!
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OrckTue Sep 01, 2009 8:12 pm

lol that's bull Shocked
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HijakerTue Sep 01, 2009 9:28 pm


I know both of them as good friends. I have no Idea what happend and I understand anyone who is asking: What want this guy, he is not a member from BK? For all who dont know me: I was a member from BK and that is the reason, I know Fish and Red and I know them as good friends. I could talk with both of them at any time about anything and, by the way, Fish and Red, you were ( not the only but) one reason I jumped from time to time on TS.
All the best for you! I hope that I will hear youre voices in the future again.

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BullittTue Sep 01, 2009 11:01 pm

Fish you were always helpful and a pleasure to talk to.  Sorry to see you shoving off.  You will be missed.  Hope to see you on the battlefield.  Don't be a stranger.  Thanks again.
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TankMommaWed Sep 02, 2009 3:14 am

WHAT????  A girl goes away for a few last days of vacation before school starts up and THIS happens?

Hope you gentlemen will pop over to CodeBlueBF.com now and again and say Hi cause I'll miss you both.

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BagsWed Sep 02, 2009 3:14 pm

i am with epbblen?
I Know one of the main reasons i came here was because of Red and Fish being fun on ts and had me laughing really hard whice i have not been able todo for years. i would leave BK my self to keep them two here. i know what ever it is or was that made you two leave BK, i want no part of it in anyway. i have nothing but Total respect for these to guys and always will.
Bless you both.

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SkippySat Sep 05, 2009 12:51 am

Wow!  Two people I really enjoyed playing with and talking too have left the building.  I'm sorry to see you go.  I wish you all the best.  Keep in touch and God bless
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SinisterSat Sep 05, 2009 12:59 am

Same goes for me TankMomma. with one exception. I'm not a girl  Crying or Very sad
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StrandSat Sep 05, 2009 1:14 am

Its been a great ride gentleman, too bad it occurred so soon, anyways, I wish the both of you the best of luck for however you may wish to spend the rest of your days, so long good friends and take care.
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