Polite & Friendly's


Top 11 Gamers As Found In Real Life

LukeThu Aug 27, 2009 2:10 pm

#11 - The Musical Gamer:

Profile: This gamer has been around for a while, but only recently have they come into the spotlight a bit more.  Originally they started out with import Bemani games such as Dance Dance Revolution and Beatmania.  Now with the releases of Rock Band and Guitar Hero we find more and more of these gamers who spend most of their time mastering the various songs and bragging about it to their friends.  Often these are the only real games they play and many refuse to admit that they are a gamer, but they are just fooling themselves.  These are the people you know who act like they are Jimi Hendrix because they can play a level 5 song on the most insane difficulty.

How to find them in real life:  You will see them at Applebee’s when they had Guitar Hero nights.  They can be seen in arcades that have older versions of Dance Dance Revolution or the lesser known Guitar Freaks.  You will find them everywhere now-a-days because they generally don’t consider these as games even though they are often more or less glorified Karaoke devices.

Favored Games: Rock Band, Guitar Hero, Dance Dance Revolution, Beatmania

Type of Car: Anything with enough trunk room to lug around all their “instruments” to their friend’s house.

Music:  All the music from said games so they can practice the rhythm and beat memorization.  

Computer Used For:  Posting their awesome scores on gamefaqs message boards and facebook/myspace.

Attire:  Shirts with their favorite bands and those decorated with various guitar hero references.

gamer indie
You mean people have heard of Braid? Well shoot. That sucks.

#10 - The Indie Gamer:

Profile:  These gamers are more concerned with the artform of the game than anything else.  Rarely will they be seen playing anything that is considered mainstream.  They prefer to stick close to the self-developed titles that speak a message or talk to them in their own ways.  Often carry over a smug attitude at being better than you because they have more refined and unique tastes.  Often will condemn anything they loved the second it becomes popular.

How to find them in real life:  Generally can be found on college campuses “hanging” around the coffee shop or wherever young adults gather.  They can usually be identified by giving speeches to people about how everything in the establishment is bad and wants to explain their views on how politics and corporations are evil and artists are the only thing that matters in the world.  

Favored Games: Nothing you’ve ever heard of, because the moment you’ve heard of it they will stop playing it.

Type of Car: A beat up older car usually decorated with things like animal print seating or back massage beads because it’s cool to not be cool.

Music: Indie music that no one’s heard of and college radio.

Computer Used For:  Writing essays for classes about the terror that was the industrial revolution, and downloading their favorite indie music/games illegally because to pay for them would be conforming to the man.  

Attire:  Shirt of their favorite band for the week.  Ragged jeans.  iPod because Macintosh is an “indie” company in spite of being one of the most profitable companies out at the moment.

anime gamer
Desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu gooble gobble gooble gobble we will make you one of us-desu.

#9 - The Anime Fan Gamer:

Profile: Not to be confused with the JRPG gamer.  This gamer truly is a separate category for a number of reasons.  This is someone who’s so obsessed with Japan and Japanese culture that they clamor for everything from the Far East and condemn anything made by the Western “Gaijin” devil.  Most of the time they are importing or downloading fan translated games to play regardless of their ability to understand Japanese or the concepts that fall within.  

How to find them in real life:  Seen often in the manga section at bookstores or anime section of BestBuy.  You will often encounter them in game stores as they seek out the newest Naruto or Bleach title and eagerly try and explain how awesome they are to people who just really don’t care.  You will also find them come into game stores asking how to mod their system to play imports or how they can order dating sims through the store.  Generally try and use as many Japanese words and phrases that they have learned regardless of whether they are using them correctly or the fact that it sounds ridiculous.

Favored Games: Naruto Games, Bleach Games, Any game that feels even remotely Japanese inspired like Katamari Damacy.

Type of Car: Sedan or Station Wagon with anime plushies and bumper stickers and tons of key chains hanging from the rearview mirror.

Music: JPop and Anime soundtracks.

Computer Used For: Downloading cheap hentai games, reading the latest chapters of their favorite manga,  writing fanfiction where they are a character in their favorite series but more powerful than everyone else.

Attire:  Shirts with their favorite series on them that they picked up at Hot Topic or the now deceased Suncoast.

flash gamer
G-Man’s having a wonderful time.

#8 - The Flash Game Gamer:

Profile: The Flash Game Gamer plays all the most addictive instant satisfaction games online from their favorite websites.  Often a puzzle fanatic they will usually be searching high and low for the latest game to satisfy their fix for matching colorful objects together in various patterns.  

How to find them in real life: You can generally find them anywhere people might be waiting for more than a couple of seconds.  In a flash they will have their phones out playing the mobile versions of their favorite addiction.  Occasionally you might find them in the game store or wal-mart picking up the latest DS versions of their favorite games even if they are just a fairly direct port.  Often are older women and the more technologically advanced grandparents.

Favored Games: Peggle, Any PopCap game, Bookworm, Solitaire, Bejeweled, and pretty much any game that sounds like a creature from a six year old girl’s sketchbook such as Kibblz or Jizzbooty.

Type of Car: Station Wagons, Minivans, SUVs

Music: Country, Pop

Computer Used For: Playing said games, sorting photo albums, chatting on AIM.

Attire: The latest fashions from Target and JC Penny.

Console gamer
It turns out the best game console is your imaaaaaaaginaaation.

See the rest at:

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NEMATODEThu Aug 27, 2009 2:45 pm

We are so cooler then them  Shocked
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BolerroThu Aug 27, 2009 4:03 pm

I have seen or know at least one of each type. And the most annoying one IMO is the taunter.
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mr-tThu Aug 27, 2009 6:30 pm

OK i admit it i'm going to be greedy i fall into the pc gamer section

Type of Car: Van with tools scattered around the backseat and leftover computer parts. That's me

Music: Classic rock, and current rock That's me

Computer Used For:  Playing games, shopping around NewEgg.com, answering tech questions on various forums. That's me apart from not new-egg and not forum its my local store and emails

Attire:  Dress shirts and buttoned up shirts, jeans, and a holster for their tape measure.  That's me
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AlexDaUAThu Aug 27, 2009 6:54 pm

Which one is the type that thinks descriptions of other types are too long and hence doesn't care about reading them? That's me
Laughing  Laughing
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