Long over do hello to the polite and friendly members of BK. [Col]Hoggen here. I just wanted to say Thanks for having such a Really Great server(s). Well that will about do it. I'm a little better with killing and dying than with words. Lol See ya round, hope I'm and the top side of the dirt and not the bottom when I do.
G'day and welcome Hoggen. Hope you won't be pushing up daisy's too much though lol.
nice to hear from you hoggen. its always nice to hear peoples opinion about our servers we work hard to maintain them and keep the running smoothly and we are glad some people appreciated it.
thank you
Thank you for visiting our website. Its always great to hear from people who enjoy our servers. If you could please take a minute to fill out this 10 question survey about our servers. We will use this information to help improve our servers.
Hello Hog. I've seen you in game quite a bit.