Polite & Friendly's


Membership Rules Changed Without Notice?!

kozarman1Tue Dec 28, 2021 1:00 pm

what the heck is wrong with how this clan is operated these days? I was always told that activity was NEVER a requirement or pre-requisite for this group

and yet after some time away I log into the site to see my name REMOVED from the clan roster without NOTICE or WARNING of any kind from clan leadership, or via email in any way shape or form

no announcements in MAJOR CLAN POLICY and/or RULE changes were posted on the clans discord server either

why wasn't the clan's general membership ever notified of DRASTIC changes to clan rules regarding activity requirements and/or active/inactive status? this makes ZERO sense to me

I have posted on this subject before several times in the past when I noticed MAJOR roster changes happening but got ZERO response from anyone including my Commander and Chalk Leader, I also notice that my precious Alpha has been completely disbanded and removed from the roster without any sort of invitation to discuss the matter amongst people who were in Alpha

this is all very disconcerting and confusing, this clan was never about activity and/or financial contribution, but now I'm left to wonder if those donating the most have been allowed to circumvent normal discussion and debate about CORE BELIEFS and discussion about how this clan is operated, can someone please explain why all these changes were never sent out to the clans membership, clan rules on the rules pages were never updated to reflect MAJOR POLICY changes regarding membership requirements, or why I was removed from the roster without any sort of direct discussion with me, my Commander, or Chalk Leader!?

this is absolutely ridiculous

is this post just going to be summarily removed because some person who happens to donate a lot doesn't like someone objecting to anyone being able to just throw their weight around without being held accountable to anyone?

when ZERO communication from leadership about MAJOR changes to clan operation happens, how is anyone who assumed that there wasn't any activity requirement supposed to keep up on the clans operations?
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mr-tTue Dec 28, 2021 4:54 pm

Hey Kozarman, we went through the roster last year and we tried to contact all member that were considered for removal to see if they want to remain. anyone that didn't reply or said they no longer want to be a member we moved to an inactive list.

Your right there is no requirement of activity and if you want to return to active status that's fine.

And as you replied to the post about which fireteams to remove, your were aware that we were cleaning the roster up. I'm guess you were accidentally moved to the inactive list.
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JohnnyTue Dec 28, 2021 7:20 pm

Thanks for replying T.
Maybe we should add a new button on the website to our inactive list of members so they can see their still a member and simply put there to help make it easier for the CO and CL to do promotions on there donated time.
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MrKrinkleTue Dec 28, 2021 9:22 pm

Cool ya jets there champ, we had a massive 1.5hr meeting about all this including the condensing the Fire teams after the exodus. It was agreed that the Clan would be spread too thin and this was the better way around it, and i'm told it is not the first time BK has done this.
I hope, that clears it up for you too.

My bayonet is sharp & has a Kar98 attachment.
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Snap71Wed Dec 29, 2021 3:53 am

So kozarman1 there are the explanations, would you like to go back on the active list? It can be done instantly. By the way you and any are welcome to attend any clan meeting or game we play or come in and chat people up about a game or games you’d like to play with the clan.
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TazmanMon Jan 03, 2022 7:16 pm

Holy Smokes Kozarman?!?!

I haven’t played a game or been in TS for 3-ish years and even I knew about the condensing of fireteams and movement of some members to inactive/retired/removed.

I know you are passionate about certain things, but just about every one of your posts comes off as argumentative and angry.

Instead of putting it on blast, how about hitting Johnny or T or someone else on the side?!?!

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