Polite & Friendly's


Discord vs teamspeak

JohnJRP3Sat Nov 27, 2021 2:30 pm

Hello all, havnt been in ts much due to catching up with some long time friends that i games with in the past. and they all use discord. i notice literally nobody in this group uses it, just wondering why? ive got a few channels im involved with. and check between them oftem. not wanting to run two programs of chat as i use the same button to talk.  i would liketo see everyone migrateto discord if possible, seems alot of small chatting goes on in the bk channel that others are missing. and i always see many ppl online just not in channel were as ts is wither dead or a few on.    just a thought.

edit: for instance i just wentto ts,  1 member in a channel but not talking, and 2 in away.

discord. 23 members online
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KevManSat Nov 27, 2021 2:43 pm

OOoh, John.. This is a touchy subject.

I have been using Discord since it's inception.  Honestly, I prefer Discord over TS for a multitude of reasons. But here are just a couple of things.

1. It's CODEC is superior to TS in every way.
2. Security with Discord is superior to TS
3. Minimal down time when comparing to TS

Also, as far as communication is concerned it is immediate notification vs having to go digging through emails or forums to see what's going on.

Push notification to groups is superior to website.

I could go on.. But change takes vision and vision is more caught than taught.
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OrckSat Nov 27, 2021 6:28 pm

Yesterday we had 12 members in TS playing Vanguard
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Snap71Sat Nov 27, 2021 9:53 pm

So plenty here for now I think - if you would like this to be a topic again - as mentioned it has been hashed out extensively in the past, but could be raised again next Team Meeting. For now, TeamSpeak is our main channel with Discord as the secondary and backup. Both systems have pros and cons, but let's save any further thoughts on specifics to a team meeting and not here in the forums, as mentioned before - it is a subject that in the past was to put it mildly controversial.
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JohnJRP3Sat Nov 27, 2021 11:02 pm

My main reason is this is the only group i know that uses ts still. ive got a dozen other channels in discord.  when i try to get publics to join us they dont have ts. most never heard of it. (younger generation).  and they always go well id have to download it and i dont want more apps running on my pc
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mr-tSun Nov 28, 2021 1:54 am

not all points here are correct.

TS provide alot more control, and has much better security over Discord.

I prefer TS audio over discord personally but i have to admit i have not checked recently.

also discord is more resource hungry than TS
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TekMon Dec 06, 2021 11:06 pm

Extremely touchy subject here. Caution!!! Danger Will Robinson!!!

Those of us who prefer the functionality and superior quality of Discord have been pretty much told that the old tech of TS that the senior members here have been using for 20 some years will remain the one they are going to use... End of subject.  The only reason that there is a BK Discord is because I own it. After I was removed from BK I gave the template for the server to both GOA's. Neither have set up a new one and I decided to just leave mine there for all my former teammates to use.
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KevManMon Dec 06, 2021 11:11 pm

Tek wrote:

Extremely touchy subject here. Caution!!! Danger Will Robinson!!!

Those of us who prefer the functionality and superior quality of Discord have been pretty much told that the old tech of TS that the senior members here have been using for 20 some years will remain the one they are going to use... End of subject.  The only reason that there is a BK Discord is because I own it. After I was removed from BK I gave the template for the server to both GOA's. Neither have set up a new one and I decided to just leave mine there for all my former teammates to use.

I would be more than happy to set up a new Discord with the blessing of the GOA/Officers and relinquish that from you TEK.  The current Discord could use some freshening up. Thoughts?
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TekTue Dec 07, 2021 12:14 am

I also sent you a copy of the template Kevman. But please feel free to set one up on your own if you like. I really haven't done that much on this one lately as my Atlas company of over 30 members has been keeping me quite busy. I would be willing to spruce up anything that is needed on the BK site but have not been asked to do anything since being removed.
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MrKrinkleTue Dec 07, 2021 2:26 am

Wait, what do you mean "Removed from BK" Tek?
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JohnnyTue Dec 07, 2021 5:15 pm

Tek wrote:

Extremely touchy subject here. Caution!!! Danger Will Robinson!!!

Those of us who prefer the functionality and superior quality of Discord have been pretty much told that the old tech of TS that the senior members here have been using for 20 some years will remain the one they are going to use... End of subject.  The only reason that there is a BK Discord is because I own it. After I was removed from BK I gave the template for the server to both GOA's. Neither have set up a new one and I decided to just leave mine there for all my former teammates to use.

For the love of God Tek....how many times do I have to tell yah that you are still a officer and no one has removed you in any way. You and you alone chose to stay away from us cause of Discord.  
Stop blaming us for your choices man and like I said to you personally many times over your welcome to come back whenever you wish.
You won't come back you said cause you don't play the games we do and you have your own clan with Atlas, this was your words.
I see where your going with our discord so go ahead and delete it. I have mine setup and I'll post it on the website and Facebook.  
Also Kevman, you do not have my permission to run our template.

Thank you,
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TekTue Dec 07, 2021 7:08 pm

I'm so very sorry for causing so many problems in here. My eyesight must be as bad as my hearing because I'm pretty sure I was removed from the roster along with my wife a long time ago. At that time I was told that it was because of my inactivity within the clan that the roster was being cleaned up. All I asked is that I could be put on leave instead of being removed. Natb who was my CO did tell me that would be ok.
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KarowTue Dec 07, 2021 11:01 pm

I am not a big fan of discord for several reasons. Discord collects your personal data and shares it with third parties. I don't think they sell it but does share. In my opinion it is not a very secure platform. TeamSpeak does not collect or share personal data according to its TOS for rented servers. Just my 2 cents
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JohnJRP3Wed Dec 08, 2021 12:39 am

Guess i lit some fires.   The only reason i even made this post was because literally everyone else uses discord. whenever i find new ppl and invite them to play with us they go whats the discord. i say well we use ts.   and they say sorry dont wanna download another program and thats that.     ive been playing bf since 1942 and alot of my old friends of 20 years almost are back and on discord. id love to see us all together but it just isnt gonna happen because a few ppl dont want to swap over.    

I do have a fairly high end pc and i dont notice any differences between the two.   my internet is total crap and im able to run bf and discord so far.
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PigpenWed Dec 08, 2021 1:06 am

According to the roster you are on "Leave" along with BigConn and Blue Traveler
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