Polite & Friendly's


Time to Take My Leave As Well

WolfFangFri Oct 23, 2020 3:17 am

I have been trying to figure out how to express my leaving with some taste as it is not in my nature to sling mud. I have been a member of this clan for more years than I can remember. I came here because of the people as did several of my clan mates from my former clan. It has always been about the people and the atmosphere. I figured this would be my last clan.

Sad to say it will not be my last. In the last two years I have watched as people that have stepped up and helped disregarded and under appreciated. I have watched it slowly fall apart. The bad thing about a vacuum is it sucks away all; the good and bad alike.

I never sought a higher rank for its own sake but just wanted to offer to help when I could. But I think it is becoming too much of a toxic atmosphere. So I am going to move on with the people that I still love to game with and call good friends.

Not that anyone here is less of a friend in any way. I will all still regard you as friends and will game with you any time; maybe even shoot you once in a while. So it's not so long for every just the next chapter for me.
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DELETEDFri Oct 23, 2020 5:17 am

Take care wolf thanks for the well wishes
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LukeFri Oct 23, 2020 12:05 pm

Wolffang sorry to see you go but I wish you all the best.
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JohnnyFri Oct 23, 2020 2:16 pm

Oh man you too? I wish you would stick around for a little bit just to see on the changes and leadership within BK. But as someone is starting a new clan from what I heard they always say its better but believe me every clan will have drama and fall outs. If you want to talk just hit me up on discord or ts.
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DustyMon Oct 26, 2020 10:43 pm

That's a shame Wolf, had fun playing CODMW with ya. Good luck out there.
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