Hello all, Im back from the Hospital, trying to heal from the surgery, that I had on Monday. They Took out all of the Tumor, of course they took out my 4 left front teek, part of my nose and my Maxilla. I will be on TS but wont be able to speak much until the swelling goes down. I will be home for 2 weeks or so. If you see me ingame say hello, but I wont say anything. If you guy and gals have Playclaw, I will click twice, that I acknowledge your statement. Thanks Fellow BK member and friends. Now onto business? Who want a Rifle nade first?
Me first Ill even try to get away so it looks legit.. Glad your out hope to hear from you soon
Take care and heal up well.
Didn't your doctor expressly prohibit the use of explosive grenades for the next 3 weeks?
Here's to hoping the healing process goes fast.... and if you should run out of rifle nades, I will be glad to launch a few your way, just to help out of course. No kidding though, really glad you're home....
I to am glad you're home. Take care of yourself and heal up.
Thanks Ladies and Gentlemen for you kind support. Nice Sig Whisky! Nematode LOL! <Fish get him for Me! Thank you LowJaw.
I am so glad you're home and healing Mega........
G to see you made it through. I've missed being naded by ya. Hope to get you back on track. "TARGET GUMP " Waiting for orders SIR
Really glad to see your back and healing well.... see you online
Thanks for the update. You are in our thoughts and prayers for a quick recovery. Please keep us up to date.