Polite & Friendly's


BK Member Check In - How is Everyone Out There?

TazmanFri Mar 27, 2020 2:21 pm

Family is doing as well as expected. State starts Stay-At-Home orders tonight at midnight, though we have basically been doing that for almost 2 weeks, just everyone else hasn’t.

We will get through this!!!

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baerchenFri Mar 27, 2020 4:22 pm

I am ok in Sweden. We have no complete lockdown, but the office is closed and I work from home for 2 weeks now.
Many shops have closed or have limited hours.  My company (furniture retailer) has closed shops all around the world, difficult situation, but online sales went straight up and we have assets to sit this out for a while.
My product development teams all work remote now, some are locked down in the UK /London, some in Denmark and some here in Sweden, Stockholm. Situation is worse in the big cities .
Hospitals operating  but much pressure on emergency services, volume high.

I hope all are safe out there. We will get through this !!!!!
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SAE_RODFri Mar 27, 2020 11:25 pm

Hey y'all, my partner, I and the kids are doing good. we received the "shelter in place" order today and it's effective tonight at midnight through apr 13th. We home school our kids so that's nothing new. We just can't take them anywhere for breaks. Hope all y'all are doing good.
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KarowFri Mar 27, 2020 11:42 pm

Good to hear from you SAE_ROD. All well here in my domain. No stay home oders in my county to this point it could be coming. Heard rumors of martial law execitive order is about to or has been issued in Missouri. I am still reporting to work everyday

Stay safe out there everyone
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VikingSat Mar 28, 2020 6:53 pm

Family and I are doing OK. Practising limited social contacts. So, lots of long dogwalks, TV, reading and gaming.
Sweden is not in a complete lock-down as of yet but could come if it gets worse.
Let's be careful out there!
// Viking
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DiggerBazSun Mar 29, 2020 4:37 am

In Melbourne , we are at stage 2 restrictions with stage 3 imminent. I've shut down my dog training school and laid off my instructors temporarily. I'm also half way through completing a fitout for my new business but have had to put on hold. Family all good though
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sinicideMon Mar 30, 2020 6:55 pm

Well Hello BK!
I have been down and out for about 8 months. I moved from Kansas City (GO CHIEFSSS!!!) to west of colorado springs back in august. The mountains are awesome! I live in a community called The Sherwood Forest in Divide Colorado.
I just recently got my computer back up and running. I am waiting for an adapter to connect my new Rx 580, my xfx 7770 fried out...it was time for an upgrade anyway.
I hope every one is weathering this pandemic storm with Strength and Honor!
As for my family and I, we are doing fine. Social distancing is easy when you live on a mountain. Our local stores have done well to ressupply after the first wave of panic buying happened.
Can't wait to get my card up and running so I can shoot all of you...lol


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P.S. I need my darn pic back!!!!
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e92siTue Mar 31, 2020 2:51 am

Doing well so far, still driving to work as mandated by the USG lol, Thanks for asking

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brainless1Wed Apr 01, 2020 6:05 am

Lock down.... .I wish  Still out delivering junk mail and a few important packages! lol.
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LukeWed Apr 01, 2020 2:36 pm

Don't forget my order of Toilet Paper!
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