Fire teams
DerbySat Dec 28, 2019 4:22 pm
Just a quick idea that has sprung to mind.
Would it be possible to have a purely European fire team. I know there are not to many European members but the ones who are here are scattered across all the fire teams.
I think it would make event planning better if all EU members were in one fire team. (stick all your rotten eggs in one basket) so to speak) those of you who like WW2 films send your answer on a post card as to that phrase of words.
Just an idea to maybe grow the worldwide EU membership base???
Derby aka Glenn
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KevManSat Dec 28, 2019 6:32 pm
Personally, I see this as a huge win. I know I am a lowly PFC, but this is a fantastic idea.
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WolfFangSun Dec 29, 2019 4:32 am
Not sure I like the idea for one simple reason; we as a clan are all-inclusive as long as you obey the rules. We specifically have rules to prevent issues across different groups of people so we don't create tension between different members.
Creating a separate fire team based on geography then creates a separation albeit a little one across the clan. If you create separation in an inclusive group then you open the door for a we versus them faction. I know most people here will say that is silly as we are all good friends but kind of like Yoda said, "once you start down that path forever will it rule your destiny."
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82ndParaTrooperSun Dec 29, 2019 4:52 am
I have seen this in other clans which have Euro squad members and has caused no issues. If anything helps build a larger group and show more camaraderie. I have personally gained more friends with being with a clan that has done that. I am also long time friends because of it. Also opens up more times for people to come and play .
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JohnnySun Dec 29, 2019 2:19 pm
I'm not going to separate the over sea's members. This in turn would open a Pandora's box.
If you wanted to run a event say like over sea's verses US or something like that is cool and the way I would go.
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KevManMon Dec 30, 2019 5:15 am
I get the some of the concerns with this.. But there is still a problem. There is a distinct advantage with pin with playing with others that live across the pond.. I actually see this as a huge growth potential. Not the other way around.
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baerchenMon Dec 30, 2019 4:37 pm
I would support this, but it should not lead to a separation within the clan. If we had training times we had split the members into similar time zones anyway.
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