Polite & Friendly's


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REFORMFri Aug 31, 2018 8:15 pm

This is a WW2 FPS simulator that requires team work to win.


Can we say dedicated servers!

Check it out BK!

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TazmanTue Sep 04, 2018 4:32 pm

What do we know so far?? Can you give us any high/low lights?!?! Give us your honest opinion/feedback, as I know I came close to buying it over the holiday weekend!!

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JohnnyTue Sep 04, 2018 6:15 pm

Does anyone have this yet?
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TazmanTue Sep 04, 2018 6:34 pm

Reform got it...and I am thinking about it.

Just hoping he gives a review/rating for the clan...

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82ndParaTrooperWed Sep 05, 2018 2:46 am

I have it, haven't had time to really explore it.
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PRIMALThu Sep 06, 2018 6:24 pm

Been thinking about getting it if everybody likes it
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REFORMFri Sep 07, 2018 5:54 am

OK. so here is my opinion about this game.

I like it.

It is a game that forces you to play as a squad. You can have up to 9 in an infantry squad. 4 in an armored vehical, and there are logistics and another kind of squad but I havent played those yet so I dont know exactly how many can be in those.

There is a leader who gives orders but communication within your squad is what will keep you alive.

It is very hard to see enemies as the size ratio is very similar to Arma. Nothing like battlefield or COD!
I have yet to see an enemy who shoots me. So if you dont like dying and not knowing who what when where and how someone shot you then I would skip this game.

There are tons of vehicles to choose. From tanks to armored cars to jeeps to transport trucks. The transport trucks act as spawn points called mobile spawn points or MSP.
Use them wisely!

The other night I was playing infantry and we were all working well doing our jobs and we stormed an objective and took it like it was a real battle. It was friggin awsome!
The fighting is INTENSE on the front lines but there is still plenty to do behind the lines.

The armored squad is by far my favorite thing to do. It is like you are really a part of a crew. you have a commander, driver and turret gunner and 30cal gunner.
If you all know what you are doing and follow orders you can stay in a tank the whole match.

The game mode as it is right now is one side starts with all of the objectives and the other team must attack and take over one to move on to the next.

It is a really tough game to get used to for me but I have enjoyed playing it so far.

The game chat is rude and obnoxious simply because of the children who play it but hey......not everyone is polite and friendly!

Lastly the graphics are not Battlefield quality, but then again it isnt as expensive as that BF either! They are not bad for what they are. So if high quality graphics is a must for you then skip it, but if what you are looking for is a WW2 FPS where you have to think about what your doing and what your team mates are doing then this is a good choice.

I give it 4.25 stars out of 5 simply because of the size ratio and how difficult it is to see the enemy.

But dont take my word for it, check it out for yourselves and if you like what you see then join me in making BK known!

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DELETEDFri Sep 07, 2018 5:58 am

I am thinking about it as well.
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TazmanFri Sep 07, 2018 1:43 pm

Looks like I may indulge myself over the weekend...as long as life and family don’t get in the way!!!

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Am3ricaFri Sep 07, 2018 6:08 pm

I have it and would like to play with some BK folks
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REFORMSat Sep 08, 2018 5:29 pm

What do you think of it Am3rica?

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REFORMSun Sep 09, 2018 3:06 pm

Taz, what was your opinion of the game?

Please share with the class.

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TazmanMon Sep 10, 2018 1:48 pm


Reform and I played together on Saturday and it is definitely a realistic and tactical game. If you are run and gun, this will not be for you!!!

First offf, the graphics. They are NOT Battlefield or COD level, the are most definitely in the ARMA, level. So not great, but they are certainly not bad. Also, I had quite a hard time seeing other players, specifically the enemy. It is not easy to spot where the enemy is coming from or where they are at. You do get tracer fire and you can hear the shooting, but will need to learn the sounds of what guns are firing and from where.

As for the sounds...WOW...the gun fire, the vehicles, the tanks, the planes...the sounds are AMAZING. There were a few times I just caught myself stopping and listening to how realistic the environment seemed. Told Reform quite a few times how realistic everything sounded. The tanks lumbering by, the crack of the bullets hitting near you, when you fired your own rifle and reloaded via the bolt action. I haven’t felt that immersed due to the sound in quite some time.

Now the real kicker...you HAVE to communicate and work together to cap and watch flanks and know where the enemy is OR you will NOT make it very long in this game. It is about teamwork and if you don’t work together you will NOT stand a chance in this game. The learning curve is HUGE and I will need to do some research and more playing, just to feel remotely at the rookie level.

I would give it 3.5 to 3.75 out of 5 stars. Graphics aren’t the greatest, but the tactical/realism and the sounds make this game one that you could get immerses into...but remember the ramp up time will be steep and teamwork is NECESSARY in order to feel remotely competent.

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