Polite & Friendly's


Opening a BF1 server

frojas79Sat Dec 03, 2016 4:03 am

I'm going to open a BF1 server 12/3/16 (tomorrow) morning since I have time.  Not sure what to call it yet but will post so all -BK- members know where to go.  If it picks up I'll keep it going till a official -BK- server is created.  It will be a Hardcore server thinking of mixing Team Death Match and Conquest.  If any suggestions please feel free to post up.
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frojas79Sat Dec 03, 2016 4:20 am

I went one and opened the server tonight.  It's called "Konfirmed Kill Hardcore"
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RybaySat Dec 03, 2016 4:47 am

We have a server already,  just need people to play it...
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frojas79Sat Dec 03, 2016 7:43 am

what's the server named?
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mr-tSat Dec 03, 2016 11:30 am

bad karma hardcore mixed
or something like that just search "bad karma"

there is a couple of post about the server and it was all annouonced in the all team meeting, which is on the play to the left.
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Am3ricaSat Dec 03, 2016 3:16 pm

Yeah we need to let them know that starting the game with 10 ppl total is ridiculous and needs to be fixed. More people who populate the server if we didn't only have short of 10 ppl and sit there for 45 minutes trying to get one more person to join
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spacepiggioSat Dec 03, 2016 4:10 pm

I feel promoting a server for a game that we support & have a server for is a form of recruiting. There is nothing wrong with having a private server but advertising or recruiting for players when we have a server is against clan rules if I am not mistaken. Some of us have servers for other games like 7DTD but there is no affiliation with them to BK. If BK started supporting 7DTD I would drop my server in a heart beat & start inviting friends I play with to that server like I invite friends to BF 1. If I am wrong about the clan rules for having a private server & recruiting then please verify it.
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Natb1Sat Dec 03, 2016 4:13 pm

it is against clan rules for BK members to create a server while in the clan
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spacepiggioSat Dec 03, 2016 4:43 pm

There is nothing in the rules for private servers & BK members are not supposed to be in another clan but that is not in the rules either. Recruiting in TS is also not in the rules but it is not allowed & that is why I was asking for verification. We all play games that we do not support with a server, IE: Rust, 7DTD, Day Z, & some have servers to play on so we can play with our own settings. These servers have no BK affiliation in the name or clan affiliation & I try & use it to recruit new members for BK. My friend Killershot who I play 7DTD with has come into our TS to play BF 4 even though he is in another BF 4 Clan. I have another friend StWinter that I play 7DTD with that just bought BF 1 & I told him about our new server & he is going to add it to his fav. server list. Private servers are a great recruiting tool to invite new players to BK & a way to get another game for BK to support. We have members going to VPG to play 7DTD & if we supported that game we would retain players instead of having them look elsewhere to play a new game that some members like.

General Rules

Swearing, Racism, and Disrespectful comments
We have a ZERO tolerance policy for racism on our game server, Teamspeak server and website. You will be kicked after two warning for swearing when the swearing is not directed toward a member, server, or team. Swearing and disrespectful comments towards any player will result in a kick/ban with the length differing depending on the severity. Racism is a permanent ban.
We also consider drug references and talk of drug use legal or illegal unacceptable

Be respectful
Be respectful to everyone you meet in ANY server or website. You never know when you maybe playing with your CO, in disguise.
We do not accept discussions about drugs, alcohol, politics and sex among other subjects, if you are asked to stop discussing a subject please do.
Do not use voice emulators or play music over TS.
Members and guests are to use push to talk on our TS server. We welcome all guests, although they are only allowed in the welcome or away channel unacompanied by a BK member. This is to prevent non-members from using our TS for their own use.
All *BK* members are required to be on TS while playing in *BK* servers. Exception are granted through BK staff, with an explanation
Do not send messages using all capital letters this is considered a way of shouting in forums etc. (please also note that alot of people use the caps lock button as a push to talk key and may accidently send messages using capitals. if you do send a message/make a post and have left your caps lock on please apoligise)

Always display Full rank and clan tag,*BK*/*bk* in-server and in Teamspeak. EXAMPLE: GOA.Johnny*BK* or Recruit*bk*. When the * are not avalible to be used in you game name a - will be used example -BK-, we also will accept the use of numbers to replace certain letters for example a 3 to replace a e or a 0 to replace a o. Exceptions to rule: Officers will be exemptemt from this rule for the purpose of observing, & authorized recon missions etc.

Never cheat, glitch, crack or engage in cheat, glitch, crack related chat. Anyone BK member trainee or full suspecting player of cheating you should contact an admin as soon as possible and also when have sufficent eviedence the back up thier claimtheir CO immediately or a member of the senior officer staff. Accusations of cheating should always be accompanied by evidence, documents if possible.

No matter where you play, always act within the *BK* rules and code of conduct, as well as the severs rules (if you don`t know them, ask).

You must be registered with the *BK* website (www.politeandfriendly.com), (www.bkops2.net) or (www.bkops2.com) and its accompanying forums with the same name as your in game name.

All *BK* members are expected to follow the chain of command - i.e. a minor issue should not be brought to the direct attention of a senior officer - it should instead go to the member`s chalk leader or C.O. Only serious issues need be taken directly to a member of Senior Staff. If the problem continues, then a jump is tolerated.

Additional Rules for Ingame

No Bunny Hopping!
This rule is to help promote server realism. Bunny hopping to avoid fire represents one thing you can do in a video game that you would not do under normal circumstances in wartime. You would not REPEATEDLY jump when under fire or around a blind corner.

Team kills
As you already know friendly fire is enabled on our server. Once you team kill two people you are forced to sit out for 30 seconds as a penalty. You don`t have to apologize for the team kill but we would like you to. Name calling because you where team killed WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!

-Camping is allowed on our server. -We allow ALL weapons and perks on our servers unless specified

Server Specific Rules If the server name or in game messages state a rule this rule is to be abided by for example a server with Crouch in the name means that you must be crouch to move unless under direct fire in which case you can run to the nearest cover. You are not allowed to run from cover to cover under the presumption of been shot at.
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frojas79Sat Dec 03, 2016 5:22 pm

Well for those that haven't added me in the last few months I been in th clan my Origin ID is KoNfIrMeD
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Natb1Sat Dec 03, 2016 5:58 pm

if you see me in TS i need to talk to you Frojas Wink
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JohnnySat Dec 03, 2016 6:32 pm

For those that don't know the server rules or being in another clan here they are:
It is perfectly fine to be in another clan if they don't support any of the same games we do. Now if this other clan decided to get a server which BK already support's then you would have to decide which clan to be in, can't be both.

Now for having your own server. It's totally fine if it's not a game that we support. The reason we do this is cause if a bunch of members had a say bf1 server it would separate the clan. Members donated to play on our servers so we can play as a group . Competing is held between clan vs clan not with in BK over servers that would ultimately kill the game for us.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Thanks
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spacepiggioSun Dec 04, 2016 10:03 pm

Thanks for the clarification Johnny & no bad judgement on Nat but this is not the first time he has tried to implement or state a rule that does not exist. Just saying & I have Atta Boyed him a lot the work he does but for someone holding his position in BK he should know the rules & just be a little more tolerant once in awhile before making a rule decision.
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Natb1Mon Dec 05, 2016 12:21 am

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brainless1Mon Dec 05, 2016 5:36 am

Here my quick 2 cents.

These rules should definitely be on the rules page  when joining the clan. I never knew about them till a little over a month ago when people were saying about bf1 servers... So an update may be in order.  This will also clear up this confusion....

Now for the dollar bill.....

For being in separate clans but having the same game... This should be fine as long as you choose which clan you will be playing with but should not have to choose your membership status as a whole.  Almost 20 years ago when I first started gaming clans were usually into just one game. Now a days these clans are huge multi gaming communities which will instantly reduce your pool of new blood and current members.  An example is I could be in a multi clan with friends I have known for the last 20 years and the clan decides to invest in bf1. However since this clan is so huge I am not a part of that group of people that chose to play with that clan and had been with bad karma.  That would automatically kick me out of this clan.  

Now running your own personal server. self hosted or paid for is a different story.    No you should never compete for membership vs the official clans server. However their should be exceptions on individual basis.  Say a personal family/friend server that you may host or if you have a large server that  you are already hosting.  (you may be asked to promote bk)  However the main thing is you can never ever ask any BK members to join you on your personal server as that would be promoting and hurting the clan.

Now  I would really like to see these rules in black and white so that new members can't get booted for making mistakes. I would like to have some of these thoughts given consideration and to see how a new member would see this as.  

Btw.  I try to live my life by not stepping on other peoples toes. So In the end if it comes between a clan that would make me choose which membership I can stay in and one that doesn't care as long as I choose which game I'm playing with. I will always choose the clan allowed me the freedom of choice.  Then again I am  am American and I like the freedoms we have in this country and will never try to step on someone else freedoms as I appreciate the ones given to me.  But this is the internet and just about anything goes these days. I really like this clan and Like most of the people in it but I really hope that our leadership remembers that players are people and not just a pixel in their cross hairs.  Remember what made this clan great and keep it that way and don't become rule (WW2 reference fill in blank). That is a slippery slope to fall down and I have seen clans fall apart  or members join and hear horror stories on their past clan memberships.  Yes rules keep the road safe but If you add to many people forget to look out the window to see the car in front of them slowing down.....
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