Polite & Friendly's


-BK- BF1 team up

frojas79Wed Oct 19, 2016 11:58 pm

Add me if you want to be friends on Origin so we can team up.  There no other way to play together right now. ID (of course) frojas79-BK-
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KarowThu Oct 20, 2016 12:41 am

Will add u when I get home
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JohnnyThu Oct 20, 2016 1:38 am

Got you on my list
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frojas79Thu Oct 20, 2016 12:13 pm

Johnny wrote:

Got you on my list

Sorry but I don't see you or a invite on origin
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Firecrackr1Thu Oct 20, 2016 7:38 pm

Do I have to? Laughing
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brainless1Thu Oct 20, 2016 8:29 pm

I will be playing some battlefield 1. I'll keep an eye on the few friends I have to join up on. Gets pretty lonely in a server by yourself
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frojas79Thu Oct 20, 2016 11:52 pm

Well if yall would like to play just add me.  I'll be around especially this weekend.  So anyone think a BK server will pop up later down the line?!
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BoltActionFri Oct 21, 2016 3:05 pm

I have been playing BF1 since release and am already frustrated. I FLAT OUT SUCK. I am a total Battlefield NOOB , but Man , I am not good. All I do is die die die die die die, then maybe a kill. ANY TIPS? Console commands to speed up play? I have 17 ping and get owned constantly in 1 on 1 situations. I feel like other players move faster, etc. This is NOT what I am used to because I have a pretty decent rig. I have watched a few Videos but not much help (even the guys in the video seem to be moving faster than I can). There has gotta be a better way than mine. HELP PLEASE.   :(

I will get on TS and try to "team up"
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frojas79Fri Oct 21, 2016 3:23 pm

BoltAction wrote:

I have been playing BF1 since release and am already frustrated. I FLAT OUT SUCK. I am a total Battlefield NOOB , but Man , I am not good. All I do is die die die die die die, then maybe a kill. ANY TIPS? Console commands to speed up play? I have 17 ping and get owned constantly in 1 on 1 situations. I feel like other players move faster, etc. This is NOT what I am used to because I have a pretty decent rig. I have watched a few Videos but not much help (even the guys in the video seem to be moving faster than I can). There has gotta be a better way than mine. HELP PLEASE.   :(

I will get on TS and try to "team up"

I have also found it harder to play than BF4.  The controls are the same but also different, I been playing this since awhile and still die also in 1 on 1 battles.  I have seen on Youtube that you have to fine tune the mouse.  You can also fine tune some weapons under customize.  I get pissed but I love the game and just going to put in the time to get better.  It plays like Hardline which I didn't play much of.
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TazmanFri Oct 21, 2016 4:55 pm

Bolt...2 things...I ran into this when I made the switch from the COD series to BF series.  I started with BF3 and was BEYOND frustrated!!!  The same thing happened to me when BF4 came out.  It took me quite some time to be able to feel like I was holding my own.  I remember Sunny, Karow, Luke, Morg, Johnny...all of them...telling me to stick with it and change my tactics.  It is a BIG change to what we have been used to.  I know when I played the BF1 beta, it was similar but different to BF4 and I had to adapt again.  IT WILL TAKE TIME...but I promise...if you stick with it...your skills will start to come out.

Second...I recommend changing and fiddling with your mouse settings.  If you feel people are spinning faster or dodging faster...your mouse settings may need to be adjusted.

Lastly...I recommend ALWAYS playing single player...or some boot camp...something to adjust to the game, before hopping into Multiplayer.

Just my 2 cents...but no expert by any means!!!

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BoltActionFri Oct 21, 2016 5:13 pm

THANK YOU TAZ!  It REALLY helps to read your response. You are are also a REALLY GOOD WAW player and to hear that you struggled with Battlefield  actually makes me feel a lot better about it. I will take your suggestions. THANK YOU.  I will focus on single player and I will keep reminding myself ,I AM A TOTAL NOOB! (it IS painful after being decent at WAW for a long time...)
Bolt-BK-  8)

BTW, I LOVE THE MAPS and genre of BF1. Are there any plans to start a BK server? Sorry I have been outta touch with this....
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TazmanFri Oct 21, 2016 7:56 pm

You are welcome my friend!!! The learning curve is high to start and I know it will be a struggle for those of us switching from BF4 (even Hardline) to BF1. The curve may not be as high as going from WAW to the BF series as a whole, but there will still be one!!

As for a BF1 server, there has been chatter during the pre-beta, beta, and release, and from what I can tell things are looking up for there being a BK server. I am NOT the GOA and do not make those decisions, but from what I can tell (and Johnny, I think, has stated), we should be getting a dedicated server when EA/DICE makes them available to the public to rent!!! (That's for sure when I will get the game, but may jump in by next weekend!!!)

Also, just saw a post by JayJay about some settings/tweaks he made to improve the game and how it runs...and we all know that could sometimes make the difference in the user experience/playability!!!

See you on the "battlefield" soon!!!

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JayJayFri Oct 21, 2016 8:01 pm

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DerbySat Nov 19, 2016 1:24 pm

Add me please
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BoltActionSat Nov 19, 2016 1:29 pm

ALL BK members feel free to friend me . I am now playing BF1 under MSG-BOLT-BK-

I am new to playing multiplayer on Origin, so bear with me while I learn about this whole friend thng. Also, I have found the game plays FASTER with Origin overlay off. So I may not see you ...yet.

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