Polite & Friendly's


B K - more than just a game server

DiggerBazSun Jul 26, 2009 6:34 am

I've gotta say that I am really proud to be a part of this clan. Ups and downs sure but nevertheless it's a great place to game. This group provides a great network of support to other BK members. We all have our various groups of mates that we have a great cack with at times. We enjoy jumping on the server and saying "g'day"  (that's "hi" in Aus-speak lol) to everyone on TS.  We kill and get killed and have a laugh.  But you know what impresses me the most... The support we give our mates when they need it the most. Just check our forums and you'll know exactly what i'm talking about.
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DELETEDSun Jul 26, 2009 7:07 am

Would have to agree with you there Baz!!  Great place to game and and good group of ppl to do it with!
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LADYHAWKSun Jul 26, 2009 10:36 am

oh....you charmer baz... Laughing
cant agree with you more mate!!!
I have more friends in every corner of the globe than I could have ever imagined....
I will try not to post any more poems lol (I feel one coming on )

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mstrsniperSun Jul 26, 2009 12:07 pm

yep i agree with evry1 that has posted luv ya's all Twisted Evil
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wesleySun Jul 26, 2009 10:06 pm

This is part of my home.
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OxfurdSun Jul 26, 2009 10:28 pm

You know what they say , Family is Ugly and im part of this BK family . Thank god the MOM is pretty Or is that Queen  ?
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psycodadSun Jul 26, 2009 10:37 pm

I have to say I am proud and honoured to be part of such a great network of people.... you are all like family....in fact I think I spend more time with you than I do my real family....well I guess if my wife wants to spend more time with me then she better pick herself up a computer and join BK.....anyways....I completely agree with you Baz..
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DiggerBazSat Sep 19, 2009 5:17 am

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baumentSat Sep 19, 2009 2:33 pm

Roger that guys, couldn't agree more. Proud to be a part of such a great group of folks, always have, always will.
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