Polite & Friendly's


What Happened THe Past 10 Days...

Unicorn_GigglesSun Feb 28, 2016 8:14 am

So, two weeks ago, I was sleeping and started to get a GERD acid attack, but despite my wife's best efforts I wouldn't wake up to go throw it up. When she turned on the light, she saw that I was turning blue. 911 was called and I was taken to the ICU and put into an induced coma for 5 days. Pneumonia struck again. I woke up, had tubes in my throat and nose and a catheter. I was trying to speak because I was confuse and angry when I woke from the coma. My hands were restrained. I couldn't speak except mumbles, and I was trying to communicate, I was thirsty but no one could understand. I got to angry I kicked the bed so hard and often the nurses and doctors thought I was going to break the bed. My wife messed up on one of the tubes and got yelled at by a nursed and I flipped out and, with tubes in my throat and nose yelled at the nurse to treat my wife better. I continued to kick at the bed until they sedated me. I went almost 4 days without food or water. Only IV fluid and nutrition. If my wife had not been here, or called 911, this one would have killed me. I was so weak I couldn't lift my arms. It took me days to be able to move my fingers to even draw simple letters. I was moved to another part of the hospital after the tubes were removed, which I can tell you was the most painful thing I ever felt as it was pulled out, both the throat and nose tubes. I worked on walking around, and was finally taken off fall risk after I was finally given a shower by my wife, and my matted hair finally combed and fixed. I spent a total of 10 days in the hospital. I still have some GI bleeding, but they said it was minor. I am using a cane right now because I am still a bit unstable. I lost so much muscle mass while in the coma. I was finally discharged this past Friday.

So, my friends, that is what has been going on with me.

This is me in the coma. The nurses were kind enough to braid my hair.

I think it was the worst experience of my life, and this one almost killed me. But, I am still alive, and getting better. I hope you are all well.
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DiggerBazSun Feb 28, 2016 9:27 am

Hey Giggs, I am so glad you survived. Yo have an amazing wife/partner. My thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery old friend.  Please keep us updated on your recovery and hope to see you in game or TS asap.  Take care mate
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DiggerBazSun Feb 28, 2016 9:27 am

Hey Giggs, I am so glad you survived. Yo have an amazing wife/partner. My thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery old friend.  Please keep us updated on your recovery and hope to see you in game or TS asap.  Take care mate
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SuniGunzSun Feb 28, 2016 1:13 pm

Glad to see u are still with us, Hospitals are not fun places to stay at. I'll be Praying for your swift recovery may God Bless You and your wonderful wife.
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PRIMALSun Feb 28, 2016 3:07 pm

so sorry Giggles you had to go though all that we will keep you in our prayers
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spacepiggioSun Feb 28, 2016 4:21 pm

Thank god your wife was there, got an Angel on your shoulder there. Nurses, I feel you there, there are some good ones & bad ones. When I had my fall through a drop ceiling on the job in 1987 (28') & landed on my head my life sort of passed by while waiting to kiss the concrete. I fell right in the middle of the aisle between the injection molding machines missing 2 pipe stands on the ends & preparing to do a Gung Fu roll while protecting my head with my right hand. Blackness came & I was pretty much gone, aspirated  & barely breathing I was lucky the worker on the grinder at the mach. to the left was an ex Paramedic. He saved my life by clearing my airway while waiting for help to arrive & my eyes opened to seeing paddles coming at me to revive me. Now back to the Nurse, my right hand was in a cast & the L. arm/hand filled with IV's & I asked the nurse for something to spit in due to coughing up all the blood & vomit in my lungs. She through one of those curved plastic things you use to brush your teeth onto my chest from across the room. I went off on her because I could not use my hands or arms & asked for the head Nurse immediately.
I hope you bounce back to us healthy as a mule & ready to play again bro.
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Firecrackr1Mon Feb 29, 2016 1:28 am

Glad you're OK Giggs! You're lucky your wife was there with you, you take care of yourself. I'll keep a light on for ya!
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KnuckleheadMon Feb 29, 2016 4:13 pm

That sounds like a scary ordeal, glad to hear you are on your way to recovery now. Praying for the best for you and your wife.
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RybayMon Feb 29, 2016 5:42 pm

Glad to hear you are on the mend.  Who knew you were such a good looking dude?

Feel better!
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Snap71Tue Mar 01, 2016 5:02 pm

Very scary for sure,  glad you are on the mend!
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BBgunWed Mar 02, 2016 1:24 am

Wow ,  glad to hear you are getting better...  Many blessings for you and your wife.
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e92siWed Mar 02, 2016 4:15 pm

Sorry man I hope all will be better and uphill from here. take it easy and get rest
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Unicorn_GigglesThu Mar 10, 2016 7:32 am

Rybay wrote:

Glad to hear you are on the mend.  Who knew you were such a good looking dude?

Feel better!

Why, thank you Rybay. I am flattered.

Yeah, I am feeling much better. The internal bleeding has stopped. But because of the coma, I can still not lift things as heavy as I could before this all happened. It only took those 10 days to weaken my muscles that much, that's what I am the most angry about. I used to be able to pick up and move a 400lbs pound chunk of a tree and throw it. But now, I have trouble lifting my 40lbs weight I use for working out. I am so angry about it, you have no idea.

Anyways, thank you all for caring. I have no friends here where I live, so it is nice to have support from my friends here. Thank you all.
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TazmanThu Mar 10, 2016 3:10 pm

Through physical therapy, you will get back to your old self.  It will take time and patience, heck you live in Montana, you have PLENTY of time!!!

Do what you need to do to get yourself better and back even better than ever!!!

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Firecrackr1Fri Mar 11, 2016 1:24 am

The last thing you should worry about is lifting something heavy, between the coma and internal bleeding you lucky to be alive. You do the therapy and all will come back.
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