Polite & Friendly's


Rules Questions. Looked but did not find

T_DurdenSun Jul 12, 2009 3:55 am

1. Your Name, keep the name change, while I do not find it offensive since it is a military term and this is a military game, is against server rules, since it is a known acrynom that contains profanity, if you use SNAFU, then you know well exactly what it stands for, and we can not allow any profanity in any form, or it becomes a slippery-slope....consistency is key here.

2. As for running, yes there are large open areas on seelow, or across the roads in Downfall, however there is no clear 100% rule or guideline that defines the inherent nature of when and where you can run. The best I can offer is to use your sound judgement, if you play on our servers enough, you know what is acceptable and what is not. And if you do run, and an admin tells you not to, please understand, that most of us are playing and watching, and we may not have seen the entire picture. It is just a warning, heed it and make sure you are not running excessively or in an area that is obvisouly not wide open. Even worst case scenario you get kicked for running, it is a short term kick.  The big no-no to avid is running and then killing someone at the same time....make sure if you are running in what you think is a wide open area, you do not engage or end that "run" in an attack on an other player, that is what will get you tagged for running and gunning the most.

Hope this helped a little bit.
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FreySun Jul 12, 2009 8:11 am

As far as I am aware.  The roof is ok as long as you do not run to get up there.  The problem is many don't bother looking for the other ways to get up.  As for running, I personally don't run unless I'm being naded.  If I'm being shot at, I have a better chance of living if I find what direction and fire back, but that is my opinion and play style.  What Durden posted regarding your name is completely correct.  The original term did not use fouled it used an expletive.  If you wish to keep snafu to play on other servers while keeping your rank with your new name on our servers there is a section that gives you directions on transferring the info to a new name.  You may do this without losing your original name.  Thanks for posting on here and asking the questions.  It does help us and we do appreciate the feedback.  If you wish, join us on TS.  We'd love to have you on there!
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BolerroSun Jul 12, 2009 9:21 am


1) Running:
When I started playing a while back on these servers I was told that there was only 1 map that allowed minimal use of running and that map is Seelow. Personally, I agree with you that running should not be allowed on any server, but that is up to our officers and I will follow there ruling on running.

With my play style, I prefer to not run at all unless under direct fire or being naded. I have seen first hand that on any map, you can go all the way around to the opposite side without running. Those that can do this using tactics and stealth are able to rack up some serious points because they are so sneaky.

2) Castle Roof:
From my understanding, you can get on the roof without running. As long as you get up there in a manner that does not involve running, you should be ok to use it. Running is not allowed, so running and jumping to get to a spot is not allowed. Hope that helps.

3) Name change/Rank loss:
As for your new profile, have you copied your old profile stats to your new profile? If you still have the Snafu profile, we may be able to help you recover your rank. Hop on to our Teamspeak server during prime time and ask if anyone can help recover your rank since you had to make a name change.
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