Polite & Friendly's


a little something about myself...

DakorThu Apr 10, 2008 4:31 pm

Hi every1,

I'm Dakor and the latest recruit.

I havent been in any cod4 clans/units before and sofar just been playing this game now and then for fun.

For the last few years I have been playing  Americas Army but after 5 years it got a little old. I been competing in top clans so online competitions and ladders are nothing new to me. I take things concerning gaming not as serious anymore as I used to since my son was born last 31st december.

Gaming wize my strong points are: tacticly strong, good shot at short to medium ranges.

weak points: impatient, takes longer for me to figure out maps.(for example jumping on ledges to get somewhere seemingly impossible to get to) and i suck at sniping. Nomatter the game.

Personally I can come across rude ( i like to call it being too honest sometimes) and have a faul mouth.(working on that) There are probably alot more things wrong with me but these are the ones I'm aware of Smile

On the upside I take things light and am not insulted easy. Plus, I dont care for ranks or stats.

See you all on TS...

PS I'm trying to get a few of my old clan mates to sign up: all equally if not more talented than I am.
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ViperThu Apr 10, 2008 5:36 pm

For patience i would have to say running around like a monkey with a gun doesn't help your team in this game or any game. It may work for some people, but keep in mind your worth more to your team alive making smart decisions and getting the job done rather than dying constantly. Thats why we like people using tactics and communication. Unfortunately we are allllllways in the same channel on TS making it hard to communicate and use tactics when the people on the other team hear us. (we are gonna work on that)

Now if would like to learn the maps and learn some nice "Special" spots i would be happy to show them to ya. Hop on TS and just ask and il help ya out.
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dukeFri Apr 11, 2008 12:29 am

oy viper its not nice calling me a monkey. jk i love you. its nice to have you around dakor. hope to see u more often so wen can tear a few lovely enemies up together. ill see you on ts
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TakeFri Apr 11, 2008 2:53 am

Welcome Dakor
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LukeFri Apr 11, 2008 3:23 am

Welcome to the Team Dakor!

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McCauleySat Apr 12, 2008 8:49 am

Good to have ya.

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BBDOGWed Apr 23, 2008 12:05 pm

welcome Dakor i am more a bull in china shop person myself Laughing
see you around

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Grayhawk[DD]Tue May 20, 2008 4:28 am

Don't let these vultures kid ya Dakor. They are assassins all! You will learn patience, persistence (sounds like you have that down pat), and a very deadly team approach in which you'll not only know the maps inside out and backwards, but you'll know what your adversaries moves are before he does. These guys are GREAT. I know. I am at the business end of their guns all the time.

Besides the gaming and tactics, you couldn't have found a better group of people. We ae honoured and thrilled to have them drop by our house regularly. You'll be very happy here! Congrats on your choice my new Brother in Arms.

PS Salute ya bums!!!!
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