Polite & Friendly's


*BK* vids for our web site

Rob_Da_PimpWed Mar 26, 2008 11:28 pm

hi all

sorry havnt been on in a while, but i was speaking with my freind andy who is a meber of C.C.C and he uses FRAPS to make vids for there clan and i was thinking i could do that for *BK* when were playing togetter...... i donno wot everyone thinking about it, so im just gunna throw that out there and see what peeps think

just leave a comment on ur views

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McCauleyThu Mar 27, 2008 12:10 am

Before your time we had been making a video.  This was in the BHD days.  Can't recall if it was completed or not...anyone?  I seem to recall either Grim or Strong working on it.  What ever happened to it?

Rob, I'm sure no one would oppose the idea, but it takes a lot of doing.  The games have definitely progressed since our last attempt.  However, I have no authority really, so I'll leave this for the "higher-ups" to comment on.

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DestroyerThu Mar 27, 2008 5:09 am

Yea in BHD me and Strong were working ona video.  We had the map almost finished and were working on camera angles and such but never got passed that point.  A call of duty 4 video would be cool but do you mean like a video of just playing online or like a movie(kinda like a tv action movie).
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Rob_Da_PimpThu Mar 27, 2008 3:52 pm

(online play)
well i was thinking i could record most of the players playing by useing fraps and then have my screen on someone els who is playing e.g i would be watching you playing and recording you killing peeps or doing good moves and so on.... and the other thing i could do is show the team more as a whole working with eachother by going onto ghost while everyone is playing and recording from a birds eye view Smile

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StrongWed Apr 02, 2008 5:26 am

hey there

Yes I was Working on it With Destoryer we got the maps done with I still have. But then we both got busy with live. I have been working on it. I was going to change it to where the movie would have a little bit of every game BK has play before. I have work on it a little but with not having a fast internet I cant finish it but I say go for it. I can add your video to this one if u are ok with it. My video was to show the life of BK and where it started from and where it is today.

Talk to u all later

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LukeWed Apr 02, 2008 3:22 pm

Strong do you still have the video? If so can you post it?

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dukeFri Apr 11, 2008 3:34 am

I have the program FRAPS on my computer if you would all like ill be more than happy to make some videos with all the spare time i got. If  so just let me know.
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ViperSun Apr 20, 2008 4:35 am

I am making myself a personal video just for fun.

If it is liked by the management i can mod it into a *BK* video. I have all scenes recorded and the voice over written down.
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Rob_Da_PimpMon Apr 21, 2008 10:31 pm

hey viper

well im half way into the *BK* vid altho i need more footage soo viper i would be happy if you could maby pass on sum footage of you playing or wot not that would be kwl Smile

erm i donno about how you feel about that just let me know if ur up for that
(if anyone elc has any footage plz let me know!! thxs!Smile)

ok cya
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EzraTue Apr 22, 2008 6:46 pm

i have a bit of footage of me playing if you need it
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Rob_Da_PimpWed Apr 23, 2008 12:35 am

hey Ezra
yer if u have some plz pass it onto me maby by putting it on youtube and giving me the link so i can rip it off there and put it into the vid

and that goes for anyone!! if anyone has footage plz tell me and ill do my best to put it into the vid thxs Smile
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ViperWed Apr 23, 2008 1:26 am

Only problem is idk how to get you the videos quickly. and they are on my Videocardless PC
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