Monday night I got kicked for 15 mins.
I guess I was being yelled at and did not see
Sometimes I stand when looking down my sights and forget to go back to crouch...I guess that was what it bad
Maybe it would be better for me to be on Teamspeak...that way you guys can actually yell at me and I will hear
I hate it when I can't see people yell at me.
Yell? No yelling hurts my ears please.
We all yell at you Regi, well at our screen at least, and not on TS.
Well.......most of the time.
Oh and our TS is: and it is push to talk
By the way. Yelling at Regi, only makes him stronger (he lives on the tears of others you know).
Naw.....they suck.
Reg just eats everything in his path.
it states in the BK rules that Walking while looking through Iron sights is ok, well then why trhe kick for 15 mins?
Depends upon the day Sneaker. Our regular days, you can pistol walk sighted or walk with main weapon sighted. On our IMF days (Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday) you may only walk with the main weapon sighed. If you are pistol walking on those days you will get a warning. If you get 2-3 warnings, you will get kicked for 15 min.