Polite & Friendly's


Inappropriate PB kick!!! (this is not true)edit by LowJaw

Slick_WillieSat Jun 20, 2009 4:58 pm

Today I was kicked, via punkbuster for 30 minutes for not crouching. I've played here enough to know the rules and I really enjoy this server and the admin's attempts at keeping it a nice place to play. The issue today is that I was sniping, with my weapon sighted, and then was kicked for that. What is the deal? I follow the rules and get popped for no reason? Is it possible that an admin needs better training?

The funny thing is that I was considering donating to you guys to help with the costs of running a nice server, but if this is going to continue at the whim of a poorly trained admin, then the heck with it.

BTW, there was NO warning, just a PB kick. Was this an auto-kick, or done by an admin?
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FreySat Jun 20, 2009 5:07 pm

Heya Slick Willie, first of all.  Thank you for popping in here and voicing your concerns.  It honestly helps BK keep things running the best we can.  I cannot comment on the kick, as I wasn't present and do not know of all the details involved.  I can say that there have been times when one person is being kicked there may be a screw up in the program and it will kick another.  This could be for a couple of reasons.  So, please..please keep in mind that this may have been completely unintentional.  Frustrating for sure.  There even have been incidents of BK being kicked due to the same situation.  To help the upper echelon investigate the incident, could you please give us the date/time and what server were you on when this occurred?  I can say with complete confidence that it will be investigated and corrective actions will be taken, if needed.  Thank you again for playing on our servers and coming in here to voice your concerns.  Please feel free to join us on Team Speak.  To be honest, this would even assist in issues such as your kick.  I look forward to seeing you on the battlefield!
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StrandSat Jun 20, 2009 5:10 pm

When you get kicked my a member, it usually transfers you to a black screen that states the reason why the member kicked you, such examples are, "excessive running" , "disrespectful"...etc. If you did not see any member generated message when kicked it was more than likely a punk buster initiated kick probably because it loaded wrong and there was an error reading your cvar.

Anyways thanks for playing on Bad Karma servers, I'm sure it is just a misunderstanding and either way the issue will be dealt with accordingly.

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LukeSat Jun 20, 2009 5:14 pm

This sounds like a mistaken kick. If you are trying to kick a player and they leave the next person in line gets kicked. From what I have seen and heard it sounds like this is what happened.

I hope to see you in our servers again soon. Please join us on TS some time soon.

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chewbaccaSat Jun 20, 2009 10:02 pm

Rule 6 – Swearing, Racism, and Disrespectful comments
We have a ZERO tolerance policy for racism on our game server and our Teamspeak server. You will be kicked after one warning for swearing. Swearing and disrespectful comments towards any player (guest, -BK-, [DD]) will result in a 90 minute through 7 day ban depending on the severity. Racism is a permanent ban.

I am aware of this rule, and was not aware that I had violated it. I was in the server 6/19/09 and witnessed others receive multiple warnings regarding language.  Words such as the f-bomb, damn, weed, sh**, acronyms such as BS, WTF, etc were repeatedly used by only a couple players. I am not aware if they were kicked, but I know that they were warned more than once. I had not said anything other than sorry for accidental TKs, and GG following a match. Near the end of the match, a player asked me where Han Solo was....I responded Handjob Solo.....pleasuring himself. Without warning, I was kicked for 90 minutes! I enjoy this server and I am happy that you guys attempt to keep it clean, I do not like going into a server with a lot of spoiled brats running their mouths, it is annoying. I am an adult and I made one comment that was not racist, and was not disrespectful toward any player. I received no warning and was promptly kicked. If someone had said that such language was inappropriate...guess what....I would have stopped. Thank you for you attention to this matter.
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HuHSat Jun 20, 2009 10:08 pm

Ladies and Gentleman I have this incident documented and will respond to chewbacca for his explanation.
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LukeSat Jun 20, 2009 10:31 pm

Thanks Huh

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EXPLODESun Jun 21, 2009 12:51 pm

I kicked slick willy after observing him for several maps not crouching when moving while sights were down!  He was in barn on map with trains and hills cant remember the name its 7:40am and i just woke up....but he was moving from window to window sniping in barn while standing and dropping sights! we all know that when you move you must have sights raised or crouch!! I also gave him several warnings on this map and previous maps for same reason. I stand behind my 30 minute kick!  between the 2-3 maps he was given atleast 5-6 warnings which is 3-4 more than we are supposed to give. I always give the player warnings and even let them go several times before my first warning even goes out thinking maybe he was under fire or i just happen to miss something.

      So again i stand behind my kick
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DiggerBazSun Jun 21, 2009 1:25 pm

Good documentation Explode.
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Fish_USNSun Jun 21, 2009 2:26 pm

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LukeSun Jun 21, 2009 3:11 pm

Thanks for the post EXPLODE! This is a good example to all admins of why you need to keep records of all your kicks.

Keep up the great work!

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LowJawSun Jun 21, 2009 6:47 pm

Thank you EXPLODE and HuH, for the service you provide to each of us.
I really admire our admins and there dedication to good gaming on the *BK* servers.

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HuHSun Jun 21, 2009 9:36 pm

When accepting a position within any company or organization I think back to when I was training for the Air Force and the Officer Oath of Service. Just as a point of interest I copied it below. Obviously its just a general guideline but something that in any command position we should consider.

I, (full name) having been appointed a (rank), United States Air Force, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States, against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter, so help me God.

Again, just food for thought and always respectfully submitted.

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LADYHAWKSun Jun 21, 2009 11:05 pm

well done all involved, I am proud of you all showing great enthusiasm and professionalism (still cant spell lol) and I can see we are all learning the ways of the masters and our adminning skills are greatly improving!!!
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DELETEDMon Jun 22, 2009 5:34 am

Spot on Explode i was playing with you at the time(you were spectating i beleive) and i do recall 3 warnings myself for slickwillie, so the kick was deserved!

And Luke seriously dude some nights i will fill a pad if i wrote down every kick that i issued for running! I do see it makes it easier, BUT we allready type warnings, kick ppl and play a lot less than we all like in general, I write down the perm bans no hassle there but as for every kick, NO! I will most likely remember the person anyway, always do! Just like the instance above.
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