Vote on removing Punkbuster from W@W. (READ BEFORE YOU VOTE)
Should we drop Punkbuster in W@W
Total Votes : 46
pfrmanSat Jan 18, 2014 9:39 pm
hey all,
actually i came here hoping to find the answer...if you do a clean install from disc punkbuster WILL NOT update as they no longer support WaW there is a file there that you can download to fix pb but need to be a member of pbbans
maybe you can get MrT to upload a copy on politeandfriendly
i use to get a pb kick once in a while - i did a reg fix of Kilgor's post. haven't had a problem in a very long time, but i will say when most problems happen is when a update has been put out and it makes the game to act up and then all you need to do is to do a manual update to fix it. i also run off a disk no steam...
I had the same issue when I did the re-installed the game.. I contacted EA and PB and got no where but that they are not supporting it any longer....what I had to do was find someone that had the same game and copied their PB folder and pasted it into my files.(the other persons game had to come from the Disks and not from STEAM,) STEAM automatically updates PB from what I"ve been told. .. If we don't get rid of PB from our servers, perhaps I can (or someone else can) upload the PB folder that is currently working for those that re-install or even just got the game to the forums here....
It will mean more work for Admins but I believe the best thing for the clan is to drop Punkbuster and allow everyone to play in our servers. We'll soon sort out the hacks I'm sure.
So far in the last couple of months PB has increased membership by players looking for the fix coming to the site to fix and while they are here they put in an application to join BK.
Here is a little TRUTH on gettin rid of PB completely. It's not a bad idea but consider this, I hear people in TS goin on about the runners and so on and how someone needs to give this player a warnin. With PB gone that means your job just got harder. You now have to determine if someone is usin a hack or not. With PB gone the people will be in there screamin about how this person got shot in a place no one could see or how they were and we need to spec this person or that one. Now yes there are plenty or regulars in there but even so there are goin to be people who play that are truly good but they appear to be hackin, because they are havin a good game. There will be player who pre-fire out of habit who will now be called a hack because someone got shot around a corner and no one saw you there. There will also need to be admins in TS more now to squash all the arguin about how one thinks one thing and someone else thinks something different. I have heard EVERYONE complain about the above mentioned issues and this will add fuel to there fire. Just listen on TS 1 full day to hear it all and get ready for more. Now yes it is our job to keep the servers runnin smooth so, don't complain about the runner / rule breaker give them the warnin for the infraction they are doin.
So far in the last couple of months PB has increased membership by players looking for the fix coming to the site to fix and while they are here they put in an application to join BK.
Exactly. We are also seeing some of the other servers giving out information on the PB patch, so the W@W community is working to get players playing. PB and BadKon is working just fine.
i use to get a pb kick once in a while - i did a reg fix of Kilgor's post. haven't had a problem in a very long time, but i will say when most problems happen is when a update has been put out and it makes the game to act up and then all you need to do is to do a manual update to fix it. i also run off a disk no steam...
I had the same prob. with steam update, i told steam not to update the wow files, no prom has arisen from a del pb files, reinstall pb from the sticky.
I also reinstalled the game and still can not connect to on line services.
I had the same prob. with steam update, i told steam not to update the wow files, no prom has arisen from a del pb files, reinstall pb from the sticky.