Polite & Friendly's


Need help with new online profile

BigMacWed May 07, 2014 7:02 pm

I've recently returned to playing W@W.  I've repurchased the game through Steam and everything seems to be working fine except I can't remember or figure out how to get my rank and name to appear correctly in an online profile.  "Special" characters like the brackets [ ], star *  or a period . can't be entered but I see other BK members on our server whose name appears correctly.  Can anyone help me so I can get my name to display correctly on our server?  Thanks in advance.
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ScattersWed May 07, 2014 7:28 pm

Open WAW multiplayer options scroll down to clan. There you can add PFC and you are done. Hope this helps. Oh don't forget to add -bk- at the end of your name.
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CakeWed May 07, 2014 9:24 pm

If you add your name and rank w/o saving your profile you will have to start over again from zero . If you haven't ranked up much yet it won't matter . I also suggest you
save you profile every so often in case you lose it. I can show  you how to do that if you like. The best and cheapest way to do that is on a flash drive . Let me or any
gatekeeper know and we'll be glad to render assistance. There's also a fast rank-up server we can show you to rank up faster .
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BigMacWed May 07, 2014 9:38 pm

Thanks Scatters.  Worked like a charm.
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BigMacWed May 07, 2014 9:43 pm

Thank You Cake.  All help would be appreciated at this point.  I know I'm way behind the curve and very much out of practice.  A fast rank-up server would be a good way to gain practice as well as rank.  Please post the information for me.
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AbramThu May 08, 2014 12:25 am

This server :

To earn deaths,  just enter as the victim team and leave your machine for  a few hours
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MrKrinkleThu May 08, 2014 2:42 am

Scatters wrote:

Open WAW multiplayer options scroll down to clan. There you can add PFC and you are done. Hope this helps. Oh don't forget to add -bk- at the end of your name.

make sure your bk tags are  -BK- and not-bk-
in game that is

may your betty's stop the the knifings
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CakeThu May 08, 2014 4:18 am

One thing on the Archon Rank-up server . Be sure that you follow the rules or you can be banned or get to the point where you owe so many deaths that you can
never catch up ! 1)  never pick up or blow up the bomb (it is a S&D server)
                          2)  never shoot a German  (they are the aggressors, you are bullet bait)
                          3) let your deaths build up as high as possible (so you will be approved to get a good number of kills)
                          4) no running to avoid fire ( the idea is to get killed as much as possible (try to get in the front row where you'll be an inviting target )
 They are VERY stern on their rules  !

  Good luck !
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BigMacSat May 10, 2014 7:35 pm

Thanks for the great advice.  I'll give it a shot.
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