Polite & Friendly's


IM BANNED !!!!!!!!

FreyThu Jun 11, 2009 8:37 pm

Nitegoat thank you for you input.  Keep in mind that Kamakazzi could be truthful.  He may have purchased the game used and over ebay.  It is odd that he paid so much for a computer, but, we are not fully aware of his circumstances....especially in today's economic environment things happen.  Kamakazzi, seems like the best bet for you is to go out, purchase a new W@W game and go from there due to the global PB ban that is attached to your GUID.  Good note for everyone as to one of the reasons why it isn't the best idea to buy used software.
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StrandThu Jun 11, 2009 8:45 pm

But really, how much of a coincidence would it be that over half those alias appeared on our servers, especially -KanyeWest- the alias that was in use when the PB ban was issued. I think the percentage would be slim to none. The proof is in the pudding.
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{BdG}NiteGoatThu Jun 11, 2009 9:41 pm

It's admirable that you guys would like to give him the benefit of the doubt. I too prefer to look for the best in people, but in this case, the evidence is overwhelmingly not in his favor.

Not only are all those aliases tied to one GUID, they are tied to two IP ranges, both in the Chicago area, both using Comcast as the ISP. As a server admin registered with PBbans.com, I get a wonderful little Google map with the location of the banned player.

I'm gonna recommend again that you guys send your main server admin over to http://www.pbbans.com and sign up and get your servers streaming to the master ban list. It's a wonderful tool to weed out unsavory players.
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KAMAKAZZIThu Jun 11, 2009 10:34 pm

WOW GUYS!!!  yous taking this relly personal like a kill somebody,(not bk members they cool) its just a game its maybe a big error on pbserver or something
like i said i dont need to hack . i play on this server all the time and i respect all the rules and players i know it will get fix soon or later

thanks acidking i think i pwd you a few times pretty bad . i know wher ur anger is coming from now to put this on me lol jk

dont worry il get a new game (key ) and change the id numbers on my network card and hardrives with a id changer and a new ip no more bans and im back to normal
thers nothing to worry guys. i was going to do this before but i got respect for this clan so it was polite to ask

i know its a big mistake on pbs ..but talking to them it will take forever  for a simple thing that could get fix..

im pretty old to argue with people over a game so ill take care of this no need to worry guys

thanks bk member for your help mad prop to HUH for that speach =)

and {BdG} if you relly think im a hacker how about you get your clan togheter Vs me  ( on your server )and il record it and post this  to show i dont need hack to pwd you all lol seriouly

love yous BK!!!
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{BdG}NiteGoatThu Jun 11, 2009 10:38 pm

If you would like to find our server, I welcome you to, but I'm not going to give you any information about my clan on another clan's forum without their express permission as this is not my house and it is impolite to do so..
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HuHThu Jun 11, 2009 11:21 pm

Hahahahaha. Problem solved. Any other objections?? I personally appreciate the effort NiteGoat and the info on PB.  We will see if he is "hacking" or has equipment to hack for he will be banned once again. Then we would know for sure.

I am still skeptical though. Its truly not the mind frame of someone who is purposefully doing something wrong. Then again I do give the disclaimer that I'm not a Psychologist.... yet. Lol.  Surprised

PFC. HuH *BK* Echo!
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smileFri Jun 12, 2009 12:27 am

night goat if you would please email me at smilee_54 [at] yahoo [dot] com.  I would like more information on pbans and what the cost would be.  I have been to the website and have been registed with that website.  Mr-t I think this issue it mute and should be locked thanks
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