Polite & Friendly's


DayZ feedback please (Bought it)

StomperTue Mar 18, 2014 6:14 am

First off please don't get offended that I am posting my DayZ server information here I did run this past a few of the folks in charge but if it needs to be removed or deleted that's fine.  

Hello Polite and Friendly

It is near impossible to find a Dayz Server that no one is cussing on, which drives me crazy and decided to open my own Dayz Server.
Currently the game is a mod for Arma2 operation arrow head it is very addicting anyways if anyone needs more information or would like to join us.

Stomper (Dave)

Contact me at DayzSoS [at] yahoo [dot] com  

DayZ Server Stomper Overwatch Survival IP
TeamSpeak seavoice.hfbservers.com:9992
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AbramTue Mar 18, 2014 6:53 am

Neat.  I'll hop on this morning.  3pp on? Full weather and day/night cycles? Where is it hosted from?

I always play on the CID server,  but is always daytime and sunny,  which im tiring of.

For anyone wondering : 3pp is what Dayz calls 3rd Person Perspective.  Far as i know,  having it disabled is the only thing that qualifies  a server as Hardcore. Otherwise  players can switch between 1st and 3rd freely.

It really is okay how addicting this game can get,  considering that is very simple at the surface. It's been a long time since a game had been able to get my adrenaline pumping. Taking those hours to acquire good equipment,  in good condition,  really makes one more cautious when venturing.

It'll be a spectacular gameonce is gone Gold.

PS - they don't even expect it to make it to Beta status in 2014.

PPS -  since BK doesn't  have a server,  i only no problem with you posting your server info.
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