Polite & Friendly's


hanging and crashing

LionFri Mar 28, 2008 7:25 pm

I been having a lot of issues when playng COD4, specially when i am running TS.
my computer just stops working and i have to reboot. i went to online tech support and it seems to be my video card working too hard. but i dont know.
this are my specs:

quad core q6600 @2.40 ghz
3gb Ram
nvidia Geforce 7600 GS 512mb

any help would be highly appreciate it.


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LukeFri Mar 28, 2008 8:22 pm

I have also been having a hanning issue and some times crashing. I have tried runing the game with out TS and it still happens. I think it has something to do with a memory leak in the latest patch. There is a new patch coming out next month maybe that hopefully will fix this.

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DestroyerFri Mar 28, 2008 8:46 pm

Did you try lowering the graphics settings or the resolution?  Try over clocking your videocard.  download ATiTool it works with both nvidia and aTi cards, it will let you overclock your video card.  Just dont go over board witht eh overclocking.  Isnt the new patch out like in the first week of april?

Also i havent had any issues whatso ever with crashing or anything at all.
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BBDOGFri Mar 28, 2008 9:07 pm

i have AMD Sempron processor 3400+ 2.01 GHz
1 gig of ram
nvidia geforce 7600gs 512mb
and i don't seem to get any probs i have lowered a few settings but not much

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LukeFri Mar 28, 2008 10:16 pm

Try making sure you turn off all the programs you can.

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LionTue Apr 01, 2008 4:11 am

Thanks for your responses, the hanging occurs randomly, sometimes i can play with ts with no problem. for ventilation i am using a smilodon case with fans taking out and sucking in air in 4 sides of the case, it even has a fan directly above the video card. I'll try turning most of the background problems off to see if that helps.

and yes, when it crashes the audios continues. it doesn't beep, just freeze.

what would be a normal temperature for the card to work?
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LukeTue Apr 01, 2008 1:54 pm

Lion I think its a problem with the game this is the exact same thing it dose to me.

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