Polite & Friendly's


Server 1: Player *MOVED FOR BALANCE* = squad broken up

HolgaphSun Jan 05, 2014 8:44 am

Greetings BK,

 Recently my friends who squad up to play keep getting manually balanced to opposing teams.  Whoever it is doing this, please stop.  Lately it has started to feel like harassment and not at all friendly.  I enjoy playing on your crouch server, but this kind of heavy handed action results in quitting the game and ending the evening.

 Please ask for volunteers.  I'm always happy to swap anytime I'm not specifically playing with these long-time friends.

Thank you,
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morguletSun Jan 05, 2014 9:06 am

Hello there holgaph. Thank you for stopping by. Our servers run on a auto-balance that does it when teams are unbalanced. BK members are not allowed to just move players around. And in between maps the server does a auto scramble i believe.
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LukeSun Jan 05, 2014 3:08 pm

Thank you for visiting like morgulet said it is a automated program. If that happens again wait a few minutes people will join again and you can team switch or ask if there is a admin that could help with that.
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DamonSun Jan 05, 2014 3:22 pm

Hi morgulet,

Holgaph isn't referring to the scramble that happens between maps. He's referring to a message that appears ingame, during gameplay. Something like "[ADMIN] **** Holgaph moved for team balance". Unlike the auto-balance feature I've seen in the past, this doesn't choose the most recent player to join the match. We've seen it happen when we've been playing for multiple games. I had it happen to me recently. Maybe the Team Balance feature is different in BF4. I just left the server when it happened to me. I rejoined on my friend, and I completed the game in the same squad/team I was on before the move. Working toward a win, and then being switched in the very last minute of the game, to take the loss, is frustrating. If I recall, that is exactly what happened the last time I saw Holgaph get switched. i'd rather play together with my friends, regardless of what server I'm on. I completely understand the desire for teams to be balanced, but I always thought it should be the newest players to join who should be moved. They have the least time & effort invested in the game at that point.
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ToiletdkSun Jan 05, 2014 5:10 pm

Hey Damon,

I still believe that's automatic.  I know the run of the mill admin (like me!) doesn't have a way to move people..

Secondly, the Damon, Dulvaris, Holgaph trio is pretty famous now and I think the server is starting to catch on.. =p
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AbramSun Jan 05, 2014 7:17 pm

Yes,  it's the autobalace.  It's very,  VERY rare that we purposely move players around.

Though i thought i hard that  a group could squad up before jumping into a server a and the game kept it intact....  Our perhaps I'm simply going mad.
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KarowSun Jan 05, 2014 8:26 pm

Thanks for playing on our sever unfortunately there is nothing we can do to control who gets auto balanced. We can true it off but then you end up with 18 vs 10 like numbers.
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HolgaphMon Jan 06, 2014 3:56 am

Thank you for the clarification.
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