Polite & Friendly's



TotenkofThu Jun 04, 2009 3:04 pm

Please withdraw my name from the roster. My name doesnt need to be apart of a Failed Clan that not to long ago i help build up. Goodluck BK. And for all you others that left those days of BK being the place to hangout and be are long in the past.
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LukeThu Jun 04, 2009 3:41 pm

Totenkof I wish you all the best take care and be safe.

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LADYHAWKThu Jun 04, 2009 9:36 pm

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TotenkofFri Jun 05, 2009 8:15 am

Please withdraw my name from the roster. My name doesnt need to be apart of a Failed Clan that not to long ago i help build up. Goodluck BK. And for all you others that left those days of BK being the place to hangout and be are long in the past.

Totenkof wrote (View Post):  ‹ Select › ‹ Contract ›
Failed in the sense that BK you to be this small tight group of guys that played together and enjoyed playing. Even though Cod 5 is a game that barely breaks par, those guys make it worthwhile to log and have fun. Then it was like "NUMBERS" is all that mattered. when you start small you have quality members. You have time to get to know each member, what they do, and ect. When you start getting bigger you lose the important quality, with quanity. Honestly those guys that left i wouldnt trade 10 of the new guys here, and no offense, for the guys that left. I rather play a game with 10 guys that are fun to play with than 70 guys that you have no clue who they are. Another note with the population explosion, your gonna get some bad recruits. Its gonna happen. And it did. Who wants to log on and babysit? Who wants to log on and feel like they are the head of the complaint dept? Who wants log on and listen to a bunch of grown men argue over the fact that this is a video game and that they actually might suck at it instead of be pissy at everyone else? Who wants to log on and admin with powerhungry guys, that have NO respect for the players in the servers. Week after week i read of complaints of Admins just tripping out on random players. Two servers was awesome. And i quoted to viper at the thought of three, " three is gonna stretch us to far and pull that tight group of guys apart" and it did. So sturman no offense man your a great guy but you werent around as much as some of us. And i havent been around for the last couple of months cause i saw this coming a long time ago. BK had something great... but i guess all great things come to a end.
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LukeFri Jun 05, 2009 12:35 pm

Totenkof if you would like to repost your posts in the general section thats ok but its not ok to move posts made by others in privet sections to general sections of the website.

Take care and be safe.

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