Polite & Friendly's


BF4 Server 1 Recon Ruling

LukeTue Dec 17, 2013 3:49 pm

As the officers meet and talked with as many members as we can I kept thinking back to the TV show Restaurant Impossible or Bar Rescue. The host goes and helps restaurant/bar owners fix their failing businesses. Often on the show the restaurant/bar was once very profitable and the owners became complacent and failed to change with the times. I feel that BK maybe at that spot with BF4. The times have changed and the game is very different from 2008 when World at War came out.

This happened to BK once before I took over. A small group of members did not want change. Most of them where in leadership and we went from a clan of 200 to a clan of 6. Members moved on to adapt to the changing game world and the small vocal group was left standing alone. It was not till I became GOA and made major changes that included adding the all weapons and all perks rule. (We use to limit them.) After that things started to change we went from a run and gun clan of 10 years to a crouch clan. So we do have a history of major changes.

We have talked to many members in TS and read all the posts in the forums over the last few days. From this feed back it is clear this is a vocal group that dose not want the change. From what we can see it is about 10 people in a clan of over 500 members. The officers need to do what is best for BK and move forward as we try to offer servers that meet what the players today want.  I know that it will upset a group of members but we need to do what is best for the clan as a whole. Even if that means a few members will walk away the officers feel doing nothing will push more members away.

With that in mind the Offices have decided to continue No Recon till the end of year. During this time we will continue to monitor what is happening in the server and take feed back. Similar to what happened with the walking with sights up rule we want to make sure this is something that will be a good fit for our server in the long term.

I ask all members to give this some time before making a rash decision. Someone some time in the past had a crazy idea to have everyone crouch on their server. I'm sure many thought it was crazy and now its spread like wild fire. We want to try and experiment a bit and see if we can come up with the next crazy idea. Not sure if this is it but you will never know if you don't give it a try.

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JohnnyTue Dec 17, 2013 4:39 pm

I'm behind you Luke 100%. From listening to all the complaining in BF3 about recon its time for a change I believe will help the server being crouch in BF4. There's nothing wrong with recon but on a crouch server there is just to much rage quieting and it turns the sever into 60 % snipers vs other classes. I also believe testing a server only for a night and getting this much feedback from guests and members is awesome. That means we are heading in the right direction for BK as a whole and our guests. Lets face it if it wasn't for our guests we would be playing with only members. We are working very hard on making these hard and tuff decisions on making our servers unique and that's what we are all about. If anybody needs to talk about our decision we made my door is always open and so is Lukes. I hope everyone would give it a chance and see how it goes Smile
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SuniGunzTue Dec 17, 2013 5:08 pm

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SilexxTue Dec 17, 2013 5:13 pm


Question - is it possible to make it NO SNIPER RIFLE instead of NO RECON?

I know there are some servers that check weapon usage, like the Pistol only server.

Just a thought.
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LukeTue Dec 17, 2013 5:15 pm

Asking members to monitor each weapon being used in the game is far more taxing than asking them to see the class being used. We are only considering two options no recon or allowing recon.
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TipsterTue Dec 17, 2013 5:37 pm

Thanks Luke I think that your and the officers decision is what is best for server 1. I am sure you will see our numbers go up. Thanks for taking this issue head on, you are a true leader.
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firefly380Tue Dec 17, 2013 5:54 pm

Although im a junior member in your huge clan (thanks for accepting me in) I have always enjoyed the crouch rule since I hooked up with you server
in black ops a few years back. I play almost every day in the server and have seen a lot of our guest commenting on the no recon rule and the majority
of our guest seem to be behind us on that choice. also I might add that I like the crouch as it does slow down game play and gives not so good players a
chance to get some decent scores and also learn to use cover much better.
we will always have the few people joining not liking our style of play but that's there choice, and on the other hand we have some that stumble in to the server
and like our style and they become regulars,

so from firefly380 rock on and fill em full of lead
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ToiletdkTue Dec 17, 2013 5:56 pm

It would be nearly impossible to have admin monitor weapon types.

But there are procon plugs to do that for you I believe.  Something that simply monitors the log output where you get "x player killed y player with z weapon" which then can be scrubbed for the bolt action weapons and warnings/kicks be issued.

Is that an option?
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LukeTue Dec 17, 2013 6:04 pm

The question here is recon or no recon.
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SilexxTue Dec 17, 2013 6:05 pm

Luke wrote:

Asking members to monitor each weapon being used in the game is far more taxing than asking them to see the class being used. We are only considering two options no recon or allowing recon.

I bring that up only because I believe there is an AUTO system in place on some servers that monitor weapons and perhaps even auto-kicks them after multiple use. I am not sure if this is part of Badkon or something else, however it is automatic from my experience. They use this on the Pistol only server.

I thought I would bring it up because it might be a happy compromise between the RECON players vs. the Sniper (bolt) rifle.

If I find out anything about it, I will share it and if any other member is aware of how it works - please let Luke know.

Thanks again...
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SilexxTue Dec 17, 2013 6:09 pm

Toiletdk wrote:

It would be nearly impossible to have admin monitor weapon types.

But there are procon plugs to do that for you I believe.  Something that simply monitors the log output where you get "x player killed y player with z weapon" which then can be scrubbed for the bolt action weapons and warnings/kicks be issued.

Is that an option?

Thanks duck - that is exactly what I was talking about.

Perhaps in the future, Luke and BK would consider this option. Nice to know about.
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MisterDTue Dec 17, 2013 6:09 pm

A very difficult decision, but the right one. We do have a server 2 for all your sniping enjoyment.
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LukeTue Dec 17, 2013 6:18 pm

We have tested programs that monitor weapons used. They work like Badkon and interfere with our admin tool.  It is also far more clear to guests to say no recon class than to make a list of approved weapons.
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TwoFourTue Dec 17, 2013 6:24 pm

Well, sometimes it's best to "Blaze a Trail" instead following all the time.  Yup, everyone thought "Crouch" on BF3 wouldn't work, but I, with others kept asking to try it.
Who knows, if this works, we may need two "Crouch" servers.
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JohnnyTue Dec 17, 2013 7:16 pm

Lets all get together and make this happen cause that s what BK does. We are a clan that supports unique severs and offer something different. BF3 and BF4 are a whole different game style then cod and we must evolve around it to make it work for us and quests alike Smile
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