Polite & Friendly's



Did you enjoy Crouch with No Recon?

Total Votes : 32

morguletMon Dec 16, 2013 10:58 pm

well i can see where this is goin ill just stick to server 2 than wont be on server 2 where you can have a pair of binos that shows where everyone on the map is and then on top of it a one shot kill weapon reminds me of some of the enhancements that we use to ban for on the other games but like i said ill just stay on server 2 or play on other clans servers
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morguletMon Dec 16, 2013 10:59 pm

wont be on server 1 i mean
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tetMon Dec 16, 2013 11:05 pm

TwoFour wrote:

I would like to see Recon come back. Please don't forget who we are...Polite & Friendly...All Weapons and All Perks. We had Recon in BF3 Close Quarter Maps.
We should stick to that. Adjust you Game Play to have more Team Work.
Limiting Weapons is not the answer.
Just my thoughts...

Do you also dislike IMF days in WAW?  It works very well for us there.
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CS_RaidenMon Dec 16, 2013 11:12 pm

OK...apparently i got being banned from the server for being recon... i wouldn't argue this fact if i hadn't been playing on the same server earlier the same day with BK playing as recon class.... so in other words if you guys are going to have a rule on a server.. you guys should not be changing it from hour to hour depending on what class you guys want to play... I enjoy playing with you guys and i fallow the rules in your servers....however if im going to be banned from the server because i was doing the same thing BK guys were doing earlier in the day were... you should at least warn me.
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UchiMataMon Dec 16, 2013 11:25 pm

IMO the only way to get rid of the sniper rifles is run a procon plug-in which can identify the weapon used and punish you for it.

Obviously the plug-in conflicts with badkon so would make administering much harder as you actually have to be in-game watching the kill log and know the name of all the weapons; unless this is a feature of the new badkon.
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SuniGunzTue Dec 17, 2013 12:20 am

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TwoFourTue Dec 17, 2013 12:21 am

tet wrote:

TwoFour wrote:

I would like to see Recon come back. Please don't forget who we are...Polite & Friendly...All Weapons and All Perks. We had Recon in BF3 Close Quarter Maps.
We should stick to that. Adjust you Game Play to have more Team Work.
Limiting Weapons is not the answer.
Just my thoughts...

Do you also dislike IMF days in WAW?  It works very well for us there.

Tet,  IMF Days are a great idea. It works. We have shotgun Fridays on Black Ops. It works. These games have been around for awhile.
We have newer games, and many new players that don't follow the rules, leave at Crouch for now.
BTW, I cannot play WAW very well, it's a colour handicap I have.
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Billy_ChuckTue Dec 17, 2013 12:47 am

I'll throw in my 2 cents...

I like the no sniper rifles but no the no recon. There is just no reason to ban the entire class when it is only the sniper rifle that effected the game play. And really I don't mind the sniper rifles but people will need to accept that it turns the crouch server into, essentially, a sniper server. So yes on banning sniper rifles.

But if we have to ban the entire recon class I vote no.
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DamonTue Dec 17, 2013 1:01 am

I was typing out my thoughts, but it was too long and I doubt most people would read it. So, I'll sum up what I'm thinking.

    I enjoyed having no Recon players.
    I think Recon should be allowed normally (ie: outside of special events that don't want them playable)
    I hope future maps will cater more toward the crouch gameplay, so that open maps can be kept out of the rotation.
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TwoFourTue Dec 17, 2013 1:26 am

Think about it, you want to take a Class out of a Game???
Because you are getting killed??
Team up for crying out loud.
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HappyTue Dec 17, 2013 1:28 am

I guess I am with most everyone else, don't ban the class...ban the weapon!
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SilexxTue Dec 17, 2013 1:51 am

Wow - lots of feedback and votes...GREAT...

I think it seems that everyone agrees pretty much that it is NOT Recon, but rather the sniper rifle that we have issue with.

Playing on hardcore means we only have 60 health. That means that any weapon that does 60+ damage is a one shot kill. While some weapons are 60+ max damage at short range, they quickly drop off at distance over 15m to fall below 60 damage (DMRs and Shotguns with slugs both quickly fall off to 30-40 damage at range), making other weapons a two shot kill.

From reading everyone's posts it would seem that if we COULD keep RECON and only ban sniper rifles that would be the ideal scenario. I am sure there are those that would play the RECON with DMR or other weapon, because they enjoy the RECON perks (not just the sniper rifle).

Is there a way we can play with NO SNIPER RIFLES?

I would think so, there is a server (PISTOL ONLY) that if you fire any other weapon you get an auto-warning about being kicked and that you must use a PISTOL. This did NOT seem to be an issued warning from a fellow player, but rather an auto warning. I am not sure how they did it - but if they could do that with monitoring anything but pistols, it could be made to monitor any sniper shots and issue an auto-warnings. If that is the case, then you could include RECON and just monitor snipers.

Regardless - I believe those that posted they wanted to include RECON, was not because they wanted to use the sniper rifle, but use the other perks. So, for the most part, it seems that we are all on the same page.

Personally - I enjoyed it so much that I would even consider paying Luke to run a Crouch No Sniper Rifle server - that is if we could figure out the auto-warning system.

Thanks for all the responses....I hope again we are able to play with out sniper rifles (even if it means no recon for now).
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SilexxTue Dec 17, 2013 1:54 am

CS_Raiden wrote:

OK...apparently i got being banned from the server for being recon... i wouldn't argue this fact if i hadn't been playing on the same server earlier the same day with BK playing as recon class.... so in other words if you guys are going to have a rule on a server.. you guys should not be changing it from hour to hour depending on what class you guys want to play... I enjoy playing with you guys and i fallow the rules in your servers....however if im going to be banned from the server because i was doing the same thing BK guys were doing earlier in the day were... you should at least warn me.

The RULE change was only for 24 hours, was posted on the website, the sever was name changed, and warnings were auto-issued before any kicks - there were no permanent bans, just 15 minute kicks.
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SilexxTue Dec 17, 2013 1:55 am

UchiMata wrote:

IMO the only way to get rid of the sniper rifles is run a procon plug-in which can identify the weapon used and punish you for it.

Obviously the plug-in conflicts with badkon so would make administering much harder as you actually have to be in-game watching the kill log and know the name of all the weapons; unless this is a feature of the new badkon.

Do you know how they do it on the Pistol Only Server that warns people automatically?
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TwoFourTue Dec 17, 2013 2:01 am

Unfortunately, you WILL lose more BK if no Recon is not allowed.
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