Polite & Friendly's



Did you enjoy Crouch with No Recon?

Total Votes : 32

SilexxMon Dec 16, 2013 5:00 pm

This weekend I played during the 24hour test for Crouch + No Recon game play and I must say I really liked it.
I heard many on TS also comment how they enjoyed it as well as players online. I think it is a great combo for the small 32 man maps with crouch.
No longer do we have people crouching around with sniper riffles treating them as CQB weapons.

So I thought I would create a poll to see if other players really liked it as much as I did.
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SilexxMon Dec 16, 2013 5:04 pm

I would like to add a follow-up.

BF4 is really a game about big maps, vechicles, planes, and all kinds of weapons and player types. That is what the game was designed for and it seems more like an after-thought by the game company to create a CQB mode, because other than limiting the map size and players, it offers nothing to limit the weapon and weapon types. This is fine, because BK (as we have always done in the past) create our own rules.

I really like the crouch small 32 man maps, my only complaint had been the snipers. Normally I don't mind snipers on big maps or in regular game play, but hip firing from 10m with one-shot kills on a map like Locker gets a little tiresome. Since sniper rifles are pretty much the only one-shot kill weapons at range (over 10-15m) it makes them one-shot killers.

Thanks Luke for making this test possible and hopefully it will become the norm for the 32-man small map crouch server.
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SilexxMon Dec 16, 2013 5:10 pm

Lastly I would like to point out a comment made during game play.

One person said what's the difference, you can still use DMRs?

The difference is that DMRs are max damage of 43 at short-range and fall off to 30 at long range, making them a TWO SHOT kill weapon.
The sniper rifle is a 100 max damage, some are 110 even at long range, making them ALL ONE SHOT kills for the most part.

It is the Sniper Rifle damage that is a factor and since they can ONLY be used by RECON, eliminating RECON has eliminated the ONE SHOT killers.
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N7_WrathMon Dec 16, 2013 5:20 pm

When i got the time to play i really liked no recon and sniper rifles on the crouch server it was fun and had a blast I liked being abile to move with out being killed all the time 1 shot killed. thanks Luke.
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DiggerBazMon Dec 16, 2013 6:56 pm

Good feedback
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TipsterMon Dec 16, 2013 7:47 pm

Why can't we have IMF days on BF4 with no Recon. So players who like Recon can play on non IMF days, something like what's been done on WaW.
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SwordanMon Dec 16, 2013 8:12 pm

i Hate not being Able to play recon as there a tool and perks that recon has that i use if we are going to restrict the stuff people use the all the 1 shot kill stuff should to be played in the game like rockets and grenades and c4 UCAV they are all one shot kills and if i can to play the game the way i want to on clan sever like recon crouch then i may have to move to different clan as there is no point in staying and not enjoining my game play and supporting severs
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Firecrackr1Mon Dec 16, 2013 9:18 pm

I also enjoyed the crouch server without recon.
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tetMon Dec 16, 2013 9:26 pm

I will point out that while spawning out in the open on a map like the hotel one still sucks there wasn't consistent spawn camping like with recon.  I like the IMF day idea but I would like to see it on alternating days with WAW.
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BackslashMon Dec 16, 2013 9:30 pm

i like it but i think we should still be allowed to play recon just no sniper riffles
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Micro1394Mon Dec 16, 2013 10:04 pm

Loved it.
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mulbarryMon Dec 16, 2013 10:17 pm

I would like to say I like BF4 crouch with or without recon. Both require different game play. I would like to see the restriction on sniper rifles not on the class.
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Silent_WolfMon Dec 16, 2013 10:27 pm

I guess the way I look at it is, most ppl dislike having recon before of the one shot one kill bolt action rifle.

If Im incorrect on this, please feel free to correct me.

Now, whats going to happen, when everyone starts using a shotgun, with a x6 scope and slugs.  This configuration has the same effective damage as a bolt action, the same range with zero drop but it has one benefit the bolt action doesnt have, a quick cycle rate.  

With that being said, we get rid of a class of soldier, which carries with it several advantages besides the weaponry just to have a feel good about getting kill by a weapon from long distance.

I just want to clear this up in my head.
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skelletMon Dec 16, 2013 10:30 pm

I wish we would just pick something and stick with it... I thought all perks and weapons was fine... I love the recon class both for the sniper rifle as well as the perks u get from it... I miss the walking sighted too... loved it with the shottie.   IMO it use to be best with all perks/weapons and walking sighted... kept the camping down some since the targets moved faster than a snails pace.  u could actually get across a road without being camped as easy.  BRING BACK ALL CLASSES and the walking sighted I say. Seems that we are more worried about how the admining will go vs the fun of the game.... lets go with the fun of the game !!!!(this is coming from an admin, so I realize how hard the admining of the game can be)
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TwoFourMon Dec 16, 2013 10:32 pm

I would like to see Recon come back. Please don't forget who we are...Polite & Friendly...All Weapons and All Perks. We had Recon in BF3 Close Quarter Maps.
We should stick to that. Adjust you Game Play to have more Team Work.
Limiting Weapons is not the answer.
Just my thoughts...
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