Polite & Friendly's


Why I hate snipers!

SilexxTue Nov 05, 2013 5:54 pm

Why I hate snipers…

Ok that got your attention; actually I don’t hate snipers IF they behave like snipers.

The Pseudo Snipers:

CQB Sniper:
What I hate is when you see a sniper load out and they move around in a CQB game or treat their weapon as if it is a SMG or Assault Rifle. Do you really think anyone in the military would run around with a L96 in a CQB situation? Of course not. The sniper rifle is used by many, not as sniper rifle, but rather a one shot killing weapon that can be quickly brought to bear inside a building at close range to blast a foe. I could hit these guys with a baseball they are so close. In a few games I have been blasted in CQB situations in buildings and under 10m by a dude running around with a sniper rifle, as if it is a P90 or M16. Really? Come on – this is getting silly.  

The Civil War Sniper:
In a game last night there were 4, yeah I counted them, 4 snipers all STANDING together in the open, well out of range just sending off their white trails of rounds.  It reminded me of a Civil War game in which they all line up in the open to fire.  In another game, I spawned on a roof with 6, I counted 6 snipers on my team on the same roof! Really, all of them standing at the edge of the building shooting down at those fools trying to cap flags.  It was like a sniper party. I quickly thanked them for capping the flag (with sarcasm) and parachuted down. Note, we lost that game.

These pseudo snipers that either treat it as a CQB weapon or feel that we are in a Civil war game to line up in the open rank-and-file to send lead down range is the most frustrating aspect of BF4 for me.

Sure, it is frustrating to get blasted by a sniper; however I am not bothered by it when I see that glimpse of the scope reflection across the map, hiding in a building, prone in the grass, crouched behind a train. He is using a sniper rifle and playing the role of the sniper, well done!

Are there too many snipers? It sure seems so. Are they playing AS snipers? In many cases not.

Perhaps my rant will awaken some to this and perhaps it might give pause to those pseudo snipers out there. We can always hope.

Maybe I am just frustrated because most of my deaths as I try to level up have been by these pseudo snipers.

Thanks for listening to my rant….

Pseudo Sniper Meat
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AbramTue Nov 05, 2013 6:06 pm

I got got eh image of a "sniper party" and all i could envision was a few guys hiding in corners, being silent. In the  drapes, behind the couch, pearched in a potted plant, etc. All aimed at the snack table.
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tetTue Nov 05, 2013 6:09 pm

I am with you on this. Especially on the crouch server where it seems almost everybody only plays recon. I enjoy recon as much as the next guy but at least I try to mix it up a little.
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mr-tTue Nov 05, 2013 7:08 pm

well you call complain when i pull out the smaw instead of been a sniper. lol
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SilexxTue Nov 05, 2013 11:41 pm

mr-t wrote:

well you call complain when i pull out the smaw instead of been a sniper. lol

I think you are just trying to make me cry...

Crying or Very sad  Crying or Very sad  Crying or Very sad  Crying or Very sad  Crying or Very sad
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tetWed Nov 06, 2013 2:56 am

Every single TDM/SQDM server I have joined has been nothing but sniper/mortar.
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DamonWed Nov 06, 2013 1:28 pm

I play Assault primarily and it is very frustrating. I've been using the smoke grenade launcher on my rail and smoke grenades by hand, which I use for cover when crossing open areas. Not everyone on my team takes advantage of the cover, which adds to the frustration, but it helps a little. I think the open maps, like the one with the hotel in the middle, are extremely advantageous to Recon. The rest of us trying to get to a building while crossing an open area with crouch restrictions is more than difficult. It's nearly impossible at times. I just hope that whoever is in charge of map & game mode rotations will take things like this into consideration. I still have a blast on the crouch server.
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SilexxWed Nov 06, 2013 2:55 pm

Well I played on our servers last night (32 man crouch / cqb) and it has certainly improved. The admins have been doing a great job getting those run-n-gun snipers removed. Yet, I did run into a couple of them. The good news is not ONE of them were a BK member, perhaps they read my post.

I have always been a big fan of the smoke, it works well to move in open areas. I used smoke all the time in COD BlackOps for that very reason. So I may have to change my kit out, perhaps the XM25 smoker would be some good kit to have on those open maps.

I think as our admins step-up, word gets out, etc. The pseudo snipers will die off, at least on our crouch server.
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tetWed Nov 06, 2013 2:56 pm

Damon wrote:

I play Assault primarily and it is very frustrating. I've been using the smoke grenade launcher on my rail and smoke grenades by hand, which I use for cover when crossing open areas. Not everyone on my team takes advantage of the cover, which adds to the frustration, but it helps a little. I think the open maps, like the one with the hotel in the middle, are extremely advantageous to Recon. The rest of us trying to get to a building while crossing an open area with crouch restrictions is more than difficult. It's nearly impossible at times. I just hope that whoever is in charge of map & game mode rotations will take things like this into consideration. I still have a blast on the crouch server.

That map, and the one with the hurricane, are very bad for spawn camping.  If you are lucky, you will spawn behind some rocks and people on the hotel can't see you.  On the hurricane map in SQDM if you end up spawning on the beach be ready to die a few times in a row.  There is always somebody camping that spot waiting for the easy kills.
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SilexxWed Nov 06, 2013 3:00 pm

Please note I have never played BF4 recon..............................yet!

I don't want to and I may have my load-out to be a sniper killer. Lets see how long I can go with out playing RECON, how many will join me?
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Firecrackr1Wed Nov 06, 2013 11:39 pm

I have yet to play recon, may change after a few promotions.
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TrygarThu Nov 07, 2013 9:43 am

Well, recon is my favorite kit because I can play more than one role with it at any given point.

The main thing I like to do is counter snipe and actual recon. I want to be somewhere I can see a large portion of the battlefield and mark/call out targets, points being attacked or ambushes. I also spend my time looking for the snipers on the other team and trying to help people taking flags by knocking out the enemy. (Bolt action rifles here)

Now that recon has C4 like they did in BC2, I will be doing a set up to take out armor up close. (DMR, Carbines, Shotguns here)

Since carbines have been added as one of the "any kit weapons" I plan to sometimes use my recon kit as a mobile spawn/assault kit. (DMR, Carbines, Shotguns here)

There will be very few times that I use a DMR to snipe with. My accuracy may not be great, but I do try to take precision shots when I am sniping not just throwing high powered lead down the battlefield hoping to hit the guy I am looking at.
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MojoTue Nov 12, 2013 3:36 pm

In my experience the first few weeks to a month a majority of people are unlocking classes as fast as possible.  Recon has the reputation of easy mode and people tend to choose it first in my experience.  This will die down in a few weeks and the runners will die down in a few weeks, and we will all settle into the old routine of actually playing.  If I am walking around with a sniper rifle and not specifically counter sniping I will have short/medium sites on it as a challenge.  I find that forcing myself not to spray and pray forces me to react faster and use terrain and pathing in a more efficient manner.  While I find it frustrating getting sniped every 5 steps I also realize classes tend to even out and people actually settle into thier "favorite" class.
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