Polite & Friendly's


Nema sad

NEMATODESat May 30, 2009 5:41 pm

It is with great sorrow I must go into that dark night. As many of you know I considered the heart of the Match team my squad as well and was and consider myself tight with them. I don't know all the details of what transpired so am considerably in the dark.

I know Luke and Viper and Crew for that matter where together much longer then I was around and in many ways I consider it their business and I believe they all acted in what they believed was in the best interest of the clan.
I have visited their server and they need me whether they know it or not. I could have slapped the donkeysnot so help me.

If I could have been in 2 clans it would have solved my problem but that is not the nature of clans.

This has nothing to do with Fishes promotion as I stated I did not want that position and was offered something comparably more in line with my nature. I know some of my limitations and I don't have the patience  to be a coach. He will make a great CO and anyone on Echo is dang lucky to have him. In addition I will never have such a great sig and banners thanks to Strand and Fish.

Drew if anybody gets ahold of me on Match stuff for BK I will refer them to you. It was great working with you. If these two clans could skrim in the future that would be fantastic. Might be a blood bath I don't know. Hopefully fences can be mended enough for that to happen.

I will always look back fondly on my BadKarma days. When I joined I was a miserable player and now come in in the top 3 or 4 usually and I attribute that to playing against very good players of BK and the training I got.

I won't be around much but perhaps I'll see ya here and there.

Remember when i first came in the clan and would voice my opinion about everything? Who the hell was that guy! lol

Thanks to Luke for all the confidence he showed in me and I'm sure BK has not reached it's heyday. When all the game makers tremble at BK's comments and Greybear is sitting in Miami at his glass walled house overlooking the ocean out by the pool smothered in bikini clad super models with his dog dressed like a pimp remember the little people that fell by the wayside. Maybe I can get a job with you sluffing sandwiches to the crew for your primetime show and cleaning out toilets. I can dream.

Ladyhawk you are truelly a Lady and would make a great CO some day. Just sayin.

Goodbye all and best wishes and luck in the future.

My future we will see when we will see egh! Who knows maybe they'll kick me to the curb and I will be an army of one. If I don't go I'll always wonder. Sounds like a love affair egh.

Anybody wants to get ahold of me jjd [at] panix [dot] com

Bye all
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LukeSat May 30, 2009 5:51 pm

Take care Nematode and be safe.

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OrckSat May 30, 2009 6:04 pm

I am sick and tired of people leaving...........
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GrayBearSat May 30, 2009 6:32 pm

Sometimes the maker of life has us move on to other things I think this is the case Sad  Please don't be dishearted by that fact. We all have to follow our hearts good luck to you all that has left. So sayith the Bear Very Happy
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SmackySat May 30, 2009 6:39 pm

NEMATODE: Sorry to see you go, but everyone has to follow their own star.  It would be wrong for me to wish anything but your happiness.  Have fun and please don't shoot me to much when we cross paths on the servers!
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CaliburSat May 30, 2009 6:50 pm

sorry i did not get to know you better nema =( take care and gl Smile
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DiggerBazSat May 30, 2009 7:00 pm

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Fish_USNSat May 30, 2009 7:08 pm


What a turn of events from last nights conversation, eedless to say your departure is disappointing,  however I respect your wishes and thank you the help and contributions you have made to BK.  Good luck in whatever your edndeavors may be.  One final thought be kind if you see me in game somewhere and fire a warning shot first.  Good Luck....!
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FreySat May 30, 2009 7:16 pm

Nematode, although I hate to see you leave, I understand.  Take care and hope you don't become too much of a stranger.
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mr-tSat May 30, 2009 9:12 pm

hey nematode i would like to thank you for all you help since you started, i is a please to have played along side you and i hope i will again.
i am sad to see you go but as i am aware everyone has the own path to walk, i wish the very best and as i said i hope to fight with you by my side again

best of luck mate
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LADYHAWKSat May 30, 2009 11:34 pm

tears of a clown my dear friend..... Crying or Very sad
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