Polite & Friendly's



Fish_USNThu May 28, 2009 9:25 pm

Since I was in the United States Navy (and very proud of that service to my country) I am interested in who else may have served and/or is still serving in the military.  I believe there is more camaraderie between veterans no matter what service they served.  I do not mean to be nosy or meddlesome into your private life.   I was ust curious and though it might give us all more common ground..  If you feel it's too instrusive to ask and do not care to respond, that is fine with me and I certainly understand.  If you would care to respond, just follow the example below.  You may post it here or send me me a PM.  

Fish USN:  United States Navy 1968-1972  

I was an AMH-2 (E-5)  I was a member of VF-33 Fighter Squadron (Fighting Tarsiers) which was attached to the USS Independence CVA62  which was part of CAG 7 (Carrier Air Group 7th Fleet).  I  was  a hydrualic mechanic on the F4-J Phantom Jet Aircraft where we would troubleshoot the hyrdaulic systems if issues arose, remove and replace hydraulic components, repaired wing fuel cell leaks, performed hydraulic component repair and testing and would work on the flight deck as a trouble shooter pre-flighting the Phantoms as the taxied up to the catapults.  That part of the job was awesome.

Please note this is totally voluntary.  Thank you in advance for your consideration of my request.
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NEMATODEThu May 28, 2009 9:35 pm

Navy 77-81. Deep sea diver/machinist. They needed divers more so filled that billet. Never saw a lathe after "A" school
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FreyThu May 28, 2009 9:39 pm

U.S. Army Military Police from 88' - 96'.  Whew I'd be retired by now...aaah!  lol
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SmackyThu May 28, 2009 9:42 pm

U.S. Army, 82nd Airborne Division.  Airborne Combat Engineer from 87 to 90 then other stuff...
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OredThu May 28, 2009 9:48 pm

U.S. Air Force 1972 to 1985 Served as a Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Tech.
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HijakerThu May 28, 2009 9:49 pm

I`am not a member of Alpha, but:


Diver: Submarine-Hunter on a Destroyer ( D-181 Hamburg ) : KSK  (Sniper )
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DiggerBazThu May 28, 2009 9:59 pm

I'm Echo so am raiding your post Fish  hah:  2 Commando Company  ARES 1980 - 1983
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ShineThu May 28, 2009 10:04 pm

US Army 75-78  Light Weapon's Infantry
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BullittThu May 28, 2009 10:09 pm

THE United States Navy.  77-81.  Served as an ADJ.  Two years carrier duty aboard the Kitty Hawk, Enterprise and America with S3's.  Then two years P3's.
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SmudgeThu May 28, 2009 10:14 pm

Royal Air Force  March 2000 till present working in Logistics
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AlfedomThu May 28, 2009 10:34 pm

Alfedom: U.S. Marine Corps 86 -92 2nd ANGLICO Served in FCT (Fire Control Team) forward observer calling air,naval and artillery gunfire.

Loved every bit of it. Would do it again if I could.  Very Happy
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