Polite & Friendly's


Well tomorrow is the day...

bigconnTue Aug 13, 2013 11:44 pm

Some of you folks have heard me speak about my son, well tomorrow he begins a new day in his life as he goes off to college.  He is going to a smaller college about 1 hour from the house, but my buddy, my little gaming partner won't be at the house when I wake up on Thursday.  I really is with mixed emotions I write this, I am so happy for him to become a college student and keep growing to the fine man I know he will be.  On the other hand what am I going to do?  It seems like the past 18 years have just flown by and I almost don't know what to do.  Take up a hobby?  Start exercising, (surely NOT), work more hours, do some repairs around the house?

I almost feel like I'm going to be a bit lost - I mean after scouts, sports, Marching Band, Concert Band.  Being the volunteer for Soccer, Band, Scouts anything that would help him out with his maturing and experiencing new and wonderful things.  Now I cant really go and help him go thru this, I hope both he and I are prepared for the next few years.  I'm sure there will be challenges and hopefully plenty of rewards.

Thanks for listening to my few moments of self pity and dare I say some selfish pride that I have for my son.

Going to miss you dude!   Crying or Very sad

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morguletWed Aug 14, 2013 1:16 am

congatrulations to your son and to you for raising a smart young man
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BlowfishWed Aug 14, 2013 1:21 am

Congrats on raising such a fine young man!  It is a testament to his upbringing that he is venturing on his present course!

I have a daughter that is a senior in high school this year.  She is either going to be a doctor or an engineer of some sort.  Utah State University here in my home town is an excellent engineering school, and University of Utah has a renowned Medical program and is only 80 miles away.  Like you, there will be mixed emotions  when the time comes for her to venture her own path.  But I know she will continue to make me a proud dad whatever she chooses to become!

I know you must be proud of your boy but remember to take pride in yourself!  He didn't get where he is without a lot of help!
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0311GRUNTWed Aug 14, 2013 3:22 am

BigConn, your role in his life is still just as important now as it was in the early years maybe even more so now. his future is bright and you had a lot to do with that, so hold your head up suck in that gut stick out your chest and smile (only slightly though) because you did exactly what every parent wants to do, and that is to give there child the best chances of success, and from what you wrote above I feel you have done that. with that said congrats to the both of you.
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iamcommando13Wed Aug 14, 2013 3:49 am

Congratulations on such a big accomplishment both for your son and you as a father!

A year ago I was on the opposite end (a 17-year old boy heading to university), and I can tell you that at least in my case, I needed my parents' support more than ever. Being on my own all of a sudden was pretty harrowing! At the same time I wanted them to take advantage of their new-found freedom: when I think of how much they sacrificed for me I feel pretty awful, so now at least I want them to do things they couldn't before. I definitely encourage you to try something new, something cool, something you've always wanted to do, both to occupy yourself and to show your son that you're doing ok.

Good luck to both of you!
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ThillionWed Aug 14, 2013 4:15 am

Congrats to you Dad. And to your son.
I can relate. It is hard to watch your children go of and away. It was tough for me also. Two girls and a son in the middle. My girls got married, and that was both hard and happy too. And when my son left, he was going into the US NAVY, so that has taken a toll on me. And parents ALWAYS WORRY about their children, specially if they are going into the military and possibly into harms way. But you will find other things to so, and go accustomed to their going off and being young adults.
As for me, I have found it more difficult for me to deal with my sons absence. For some reasons I feel more connected to him than to my girls, sadly. I would guess it is because he too is not military, such as I was at a young age. And I can not relate to my daughters well, as I have never been pregnant. LOL
You will be fine. Find yourself a new hobby, or play online more. Or something of that nature.
Best of luck to you and to your son.
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CakeWed Aug 14, 2013 4:30 am

bigconn -  I know that you feel weighted down with some concerns with your son leaving the nest. I have four children with my first wife and a step-daughter with my current wife, who thankfully is my best friend also. With 19 grandchildren
                and great grandchildren I know somewhat how you are feeling right now. Sadly, we lost one grandchild because she was in the wrong place at the wrong time.  We never know what life may throw at us in these trying times, but
                I certainly feel that you have laid down a firm foundation for your son to build his own life upon. I congratulate you on the preparation you have provided him and share with you, even though I've never met your son, the pride
                you must feel about him as he steps into manhood. You have done an excellent job  as a parent - - -Congratulations ! ! !
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TwoFourWed Aug 14, 2013 11:40 am

Bigconn, your Son needs you more now than ever. (to be the "strong-silent" type) .
Now you will have to trust what he does now. Decisions he makes will be based on what you have taught him.
He'll be just fine.  Congratulations!!

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bigconnThu Aug 15, 2013 1:28 am

Thanks for all the kind words - from both sides!  he is settled in and so things are - a - changing!  already getting requests for stuff to bring to him this weekend to finish setting up the room (stuff I forgot).  

Over all it wasn't too bad, except about 1:30, after lunch and some talking from some of the deans - they took all the freshmen & new transfer students away from the parents.  I thought my wife was going to have a duck right there!  We were finally able to catch up with him on our way to the car and said a quick goodbye.  

Once again thanks to all for listening & all the replies - it does help!

And off he went....i think he was going to talk to a cute girl he met   Shocked
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PastorDanFri Aug 16, 2013 2:54 pm

bigconn...I am taking my son off to college this coming Thursday (22nd)...I have the same emotions as well....my son will be about 2 hours away, but I am very excited for him...
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