Polite & Friendly's


A update on our game servers being down.

LukeSun Aug 04, 2013 7:23 pm

First I have ordered a back up TS server and the IP is:

Here is a update from our hosting company:

Dear Customer,

Ticket CFN-***** has been updated by Customer Support [staff].


This is a mass reply.  As we have many customers affected by this outage, it is impossible for us to reply to each of you individually.  If you have specific questions or concerns, I apologize as this will not answer them, but we will provide information in regards to the outage and answer some frequently asked questions.

1: The outage is a result of a problem with our upstream provider.  They are working on the issue (and have been for a couple of hours now).  We do not have details on the cause of this outage, but we are normally not informed until after such an event as the engineering team is working to restore service, before they will inform customers of the cause and solution to the event.

2: Moving a server and keeping the IP is not possible (voice or game).  However, once the issue has been resolved, everything will be back up and running normally.

3: We plan to provide a 2 day credit to chicago customers automatically.  You do not need to ask for one, as it will be provided automatically.

4: The issues experienced over the last few days have been multiple and, unrelated to each other.  The issue previously was a result of a DDoS attack and an unscheduled upgrade to deal with network performance on our routing equipment.  The issue today is a result of our upstream provider having an issue.

We sincerely apologize and we know how frustrating this is for you.  All hands are on deck here at GS to deal with this problem, but at this time, we are simply waiting on our upstream provider to give us some good news and to restore service.

If you have individual questions, please, do not reply to this ticket.  This ticket will be utilized for notification updates from us on the status of this service issue.  If you do have an individual question, please open a new ticket and state that you already have a notification ticket opened but had a new question and our staff will try to assist you.  Please do not open a new ticket unless you feel it is absolutely necessary, as we are dealing with increased support requests due to this outage.  

Thank you for your understanding and patience,

Zachary Williams
Frag. Not Lag.

To update or check the progress of your ticket, please login to https://my.gameservers.com and access your account.

~ The GameServers.com Team ~
     Frag. Not Lag.
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BadshotSun Aug 04, 2013 8:25 pm

Kinda figured it was something like that. Thanks for the update!
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RadBaronSun Aug 04, 2013 11:34 pm

You should take the ticket info out of there Luke, just in case.
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Firecrackr1Mon Aug 05, 2013 12:32 am

Thanks for the update Luke.
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ComN4UMon Aug 05, 2013 4:01 am

Hey Luke....
  Just wanted to say thanks for letting us know of the problem. I did play on Canada server, but did notice that other servers in my area were also down.
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