Polite & Friendly's


KcTinmans resignation from BK

kctinmanThu May 28, 2009 6:03 am

I first and foremost would like to thank each and everyone of the bk members for being such good online friends .  My reisgnation from BK is primarily based on the fact this is a game I use to relax and enjoy good company and with so much going on in my life relaxation is a luxury.  I'm a little concerned with the curent events and dont have the time or correct mind set to make the decisions that need to be made concerning the current JAG actions being posted. General Viper was left in tempoary charge of BK in lieu of GOA lukes absence. AT THE SAME TIME I DO NOT CONDONE  the actions of Crew taking it upon himself to research anything about anyone without their permission. Knowing this I cannot post a JAG action concerning a decision made by an officer that was temporarily the leader of BK. I have fought hard and long with this decision and have decided the best place for me in this battle is on the sidelines.

Sorry if I disappoint anyone in this decision.  This is a game and has become to much like a life and if it were my life I would make a change .  SO here is my change.

Good luck to each  and every member of BK. I only wish the best for you and your clan.

Tinman.........see ya on the front!!

P.S. I sent luke the information for server two and three he is now the owner and they are paid in full for at least two months.
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Fish_USNThu May 28, 2009 6:29 am

I am very saddened by the turn of events that now includes your resignation but understand your thinkng just the same.  Good luck and Godspeed.
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MujaThu May 28, 2009 7:19 am

This is Muja`de' *BK*,and I am sorry to see that you are stepping away from this problem, I suggest that you propose a replacement ,such as Mr. Baument. Being JAG suggests some great title but it sucks when you have to go to work. I started JAG, I know what it takes and the job is part of a team that gets as big as *BK* has in the past year.

The accusations made are greater than the confusion of how to deal with the problem. The Honor of a *BK* General of the Army is seriously at hand and the job of JAG is to determine the validity of those statements and the manner in which they were made and the actions taken by Viper  resulting in the call for a JAG action by G.O.A. Luke.

G.O.A. Luke is currently unable to respond due to his location and commitments, he asked me to post  to the team tonight, but I did not know about your stepping away from this KcTinman earlier, so I am taken by surprise also.   Muja`de' *BK*
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DiggerBazThu May 28, 2009 11:21 am

G'day Tinman, I do not fully understand the ramifications of all this as I am fairly new to BK. However, I am saddened that you have resigned your position and from BK as a whole. Please do not leave BK in haste and reconsider your resignation. Best wishes DiggerBaz
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TankMommaThu May 28, 2009 1:22 pm

Hey Tinman.  

Please keep in touch with O'Reilly and I over at CBBF.  (www.codebluebf.com)

O'Reilly and I started playing here to play with you, and have enjoyed these servers and many of it's players very much.

It saddens us to see this place implode, but things happen.

aka TankMomma
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