Hey guys, my account was recently banned first offense, no warning. I submitted a ticket a few days ago, just wondering if there are any active BF3 server admins around still to take a look at my ticket.
Its been over a week, i figured the offense wasn't that harsh (heck it wasnt even me playing at the time of the ban) if anyone around to take a look it would be greatly appreciated. Id like a shot at getting back in the server
All the bans are looked at promptly. If it was for language or running it should only be 15 minutes. Have you tried to join our server since? Have you talked to anyone on our ts server?
You put your ticket in close to the 4th of July and it must have been lost in the mix. I will review it in the next 24 hours.
thanks alot luke
and yeah truth, Ive been trying all week, maybe server settings are jacked up? I didnt even get a warning it just booted me a few seconds after the offense.